bow out
phrasal verbwithbowverb[IorT]uk/baʊ/us/baʊ/
toleaveajoborstopdoing anactivity, usually after alongtime:
辞职;退出She'll bebowingout at the end of themonth, afterhostingtheprogrammefor eightyears.她将在本月底退出这档她已主持了8年的节目。
Retiring & resigning
- abdicate
- abdication
- attrition
- bow
- chuck
- chucksomethingin
- defenestrate
- golden handcuffs
- golden handshake
- golden parachute
- leave the field open forsomeoneidiom
- natural wastage
- pension
- retire
- retiree
- retirement
- retiring
- serve out
- stand aside
- throw