uk/kəˈlekt/us/kəˈlekt/collectverb(AS A HOBBY)
to get andkeepthings of onetypesuch asstampsorcoinsas ahobby:
(作为爱好)收藏,收集She collectsdolls.她收藏玩具娃娃。
So when did youstartcollectingantiqueglass?那你是从什么时候开始收集古董玻璃制品的?
Collecting and amassing
- accumulate
- aggregation
- amass
- assemble
- bank
- compile
- concentrate
- concentration
- cumulate
- fundraise
- fundraising
- garner
- gather
- glean
- harvest
- rakesomethingup
- reassemble
- reconcentrate
- reconcentration
- remote sensing
to go to aplaceandbringsomeone or something away from it:
取,领取;接走Yourshoeswill berepairedandreadyfor you to collect onThursday.你的鞋子星期四会修好,到时可以来取。
I'll collect youfromthestation.我会去车站接你。
- Ifeltquitedizzywithexcitementas I went up to collect theaward.
- I've come to collect mytickets- Ireservedthem byphoneyesterday.
- I'lltellyou what - we'll collect theparcelonourway to thestation.
- I collect her twodaughtersand take them toschoolwith us everymorning.
- I've taken most ofourbelongingsto the newhouse, but there are a few thingsleftto collect.
Transferring and transporting objects
- bear
- bearer
- bike
- bike rack
- bore
- borne
- bring
- budge
- bus
- call forsomeone
- chauffeur
- convey
- portage
- post-delivery
- putsomething/someonedown
- redeliver
- redelivery
- transplant
- transport
- transportation
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking things away from someone or somewhere
collectverb(BRING TOGETHER)
tobringsomething together from differentplacesor over aperiodoftime:
(使)聚集,(使)集合,(使)集中After thepartyI collected(up)bottlesfromvariouspartsof thehouse.聚会后我把房屋各处的瓶子都收在一起。
Thesechinaornamentsjust collectdust.这些瓷器摆在那儿只会招灰尘。
- Wewalkedalong thebeachcollectingsmallcrabsin abucket.
- I'm in theprocessof collectingmaterialfor anarticlethat I'm writing.
- We collecteddrytwigstostartthefire.
Collecting and amassing
- accumulate
- aggregation
- amass
- assemble
- bank
- compile
- concentrate
- concentration
- cumulate
- fundraise
- fundraising
- garner
- gather
- glean
- harvest
- rakesomethingup
- reassemble
- reconcentrate
- reconcentration
- remote sensing
collectverb(GET MONEY)
toaskpeopleto give youmoneyfor something, forexampleacharity:
(慈善)募捐We're collecting (money) for thehomeless.我们正在为无家可归的人士募捐。
to takemoneysuch astaxes,rents, etc.:
收(租金、税等)Thestatecollected about $1.2 million intaxesinJanuary.一月份州政府收取的税金为120万美元。
Collecting and amassing
- accumulate
- aggregation
- amass
- assemble
- bank
- compile
- concentrate
- concentration
- cumulate
- fundraise
- fundraising
- garner
- gather
- glean
- harvest
- rakesomethingup
- reassemble
- reconcentrate
- reconcentration
- remote sensing
collectverb(COME TOGETHER)
to come together from differentplacesor over aperiodoftime:
Rainwater collects in thebarrelin thegarden.雨水收集在花园里的大桶里。
Collecting and amassing
- accumulate
- aggregation
- amass
- assemble
- bank
- compile
- concentrate
- concentration
- cumulate
- fundraise
- fundraising
- garner
- gather
- glean
- harvest
- rakesomethingup
- reassemble
- reconcentrate
- reconcentration
- remote sensing
to getcontrolofyourfeelingsandthoughts,especiallyaftershock,surprise, orlaughter:
(尤指在震惊、惊讶或大笑后)镇定下来,定神,集中思想I was sostunnedby what he'd said I had to collect myself before I couldreply.他的话惊得我目瞪口呆,我定了定神才答上话。
uk/kəˈlekt/us/kəˈlekt/ashortprayerthat is said during someChristianreligiousceremonies
(某些基督教仪式上的)短祷文Religious ceremonies & prayers
- alleluia
- amen
- anoint
- anointed
- anointment
- christening
- communicant
- communion
- confirm
- confirmation
- hosanna
- invocation
- litany
- liturgical
- sacrament
- sacramental
- thanksgiving
- the last rites
- unction
- vespers
USuk/kəˈlekt/us/kəˈlekt/When youcallcollect or make a collectphonecall, thepersonyoucallpaysfor thecall:
对方付话费的I'd like to make a collectcall.我想打一个对方付费的电话。
She called me collect.她给我打了电话,由我付话费。
Communications - by telephone
- 3G
- 4G
- 5G
- aeroplane mode
- airplane mode
- area code
- autodial
- dialling tone
- Directory Enquiries
- helpline
- phone mast
- pick
- picksomeone/somethingup
- pocket dial
- prank caller
- ring
- roam
- telecoms
- telephone
- transfer