Indian Englishuk/ˈbʌn.də.bʌst/us/ˈbʌn.də.bʌst/[U]
protectionof aperson,building, ororganizationagainstcrimeorattack:
安全保护措施(以使个人、建筑物或组织避免成为犯罪或袭击的对象)Poor bandobast has beencitedasreasonfor theassassinations.安全保护措施不力据称是这一系列暗杀事件的原因。
thegroupofpeopleresponsibleforprotectingaperson,building, ororganization:
安全保护人员(以使个人、建筑物或组织避免成为犯罪或袭击的对象)Elaboratearrangementsfor the bandobast were made during the president'svisittoourtown.总统造访我市期间,在安全保护人员安排方面措施详尽。
Defending and protecting
- anti-bug
- anti-mosquito
- baby
- bastion
- be on the doorphrase
- buffer
- defence
- defend
- harbour
- have (got)someone'sbackidiom
- hold off
- inoculation
- killsomeonewith kindnessidiom
- mollycoddle
- shield
- splashproof
- takesomeoneunderyourwingidiom
- watch list
- watchyourbackidiom
- wing
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Protection and protectors