band saw
(alsobandsaw)uk/ˈbænd ˌsɔː/us/ˈbænd ˌsɑː/asaw(= atoolforcuttinghardmaterialssuch aswood)thatcutsusing amovingsteelbandwithsharppointsalong theedge:
带锯Use abandsawtocutthecurvedsurfaceandsmooththeoutercurvesusing ablockplane.用带锯切割弧形表面,用短刨磨平外部曲线。
Themouldingswerecutwith a bandsaw.模具是用带锯切割的。
- Lay out thefinishedshapeof thearms, and use abandsawto make thenecessarycuts.
- Thebandsawused inmeatpreparationwasrustyand thesurfacesdirty.
- Apropellerslicedthrough the plane'sfuselagejust infrontof thetail. "Itcutthrough just like abandsaw," he said.
- He made asimple,slattedbridgeofEnglishbeech: twocurvedstrutscuton a bandsaw, withslatsof 1½inchtimber.
- Anderson'sfullyequippedworkshopincludesa bandsaw,sander,tablesaw, anddrillpress.
- -pronged
- adjustable spanner
- adze
- Allen key
- auger
- awl
- excavator
- gouge
- grapnel
- grappling iron
- grindstone
- guillotine
- hacksaw
- plunger
- rasp
- razor knife
- reamer
- sander
- sandpaper
- trowel