noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˈbændˌwæɡ.ən/us/ˈbændˌwæɡ.ən/anactivity,group,movement, etc. that hasbecomesuccessfulorfashionableand soattractsmany newpeople:
流行,浪潮,时尚a bandwagoneffect从众效应
- First oneboyatschoolhad thathaircutand now they're alljumpingon the bandwagon.
- Now itseemsthat everysinglecharityintownhasjumpedon thefundraisingbandwagon.
- All thekidsbegantocollectandswapthecards, and it wasn'tlongbefore othercompaniesgot on the bandwagon.
- Now weseeanother TVcompanyclimbingon the 'realityTV' bandwagon.
- Coming after so manyfilmsrecreatingcomic-bookheroes, is this just anotherattempttojumpon the bandwagon?
Successful (things or people)
- achiever
- alive
- alpha male
- ascendant
- baller
- bang
- carry
- chart
- have the world atyourfeetidiom
- healthily
- heavy hitteridiom
- high-flyer
- high-flying
- represent
- superhit
- superseller
- swimmingly
- thriving
- to have arrivedidiom
jump/climb/get on the bandwagon