butterfly clip
uk/ˈbʌt.ə.flaɪ ˌklɪp/us/ˈbʌt̬.ɚ.flaɪ ˌklɪp/aclip(= anobjectforfasteningthings together orholdingthem inposition)forhair, usually made ofplastic, that has twocurvedparts, sometimesshapedlike abutterfly'swings, that areheldtogether in themiddleby ahingeand can bepressedtogether toopentheclip:
Butterflyclipsheldherblondehairaway from herface.
alligator clip
banana clip
hair claw
UK(USbinder clip)
ametalclip, usuallyblack, with two usuallysilverhandlesthat can bepressedtogether toopenit, used forholdingpiecesofpapertogether:
Astackofpapersboundwith ablackbutterflyclipwas on mydesk.
Bulldog Clip
ametalclipforholdingpiecesofpapertogether that consists of alongthinpieceofmetalbentandfoldedinto ashapesimilarto that of abutterfly:
Thesehandybutterflyclipscome in aneconomyboxof 50,indispensablefor everyoffice.
- Herhairwas in agirlishstyle, thetophalfpulledback andsecuredwith apurpleplasticbutterflyclip, and therestloose.
- Theysellawiderangeofhairornaments,includingjewelledbutterflyclips.
- In herpinktrousersandfloweredtop, withbutterflyclipsin hercurlybrownhair, she is thepictureofchildishinnocence.
- Hefiddledwith abutterflyclip,holdingtheblacktubein themiddleandmovingthesilverwingsaround.
Pins, clips, hooks & pegs
- alligator clip
- banana clip
- barb
- binder clip
- bodkin
- Bulldog Clip
- crocodile clip
- drawing pin
- fishhook
- hair claw
- hair clip
- hair slide
- hook
- needle
- peg
- safety pin
- staple
- thumbtack
- tiepin
- tuning peg