uk/bænˈdʒuːl/us/ˈbɑːn.dʒuːl/thecapitalcityof Gambia, in thewesternpartof thecountry:
HevisitedBanjul as aguestofhonourfor the country's 25thindependenceanniversarycelebrations.
Thecoupleappearedincourtin thestatecapitalof Banjulyesterday.
- Wearrivedin Banjul thefollowingmorning.
- Helivesin asmalltown20milesfrom Banjul.
- Detectivesaskedhiswifetoreturnto Banjul, the Gambiancapital, tohelppoliceinquiries.
- Ayoungmanengagesme inconversationand says that he is ataxidriverin Banjul.
Towns & regions: city names & their inhabitants
- Aberdeen
- Aberdonian
- Abidjan
- Abu Dhabi
- Abuja
- Bozeman
- Brasília
- Bratislava
- Brazzaville
- Bridgetown
- Durham
- Dushanbe
- Edinburgh
- El Paso
- Faisalabad
- Madrid
- manchester
- Melbourne
- Memphis
- Miami