[CorU]food & drinkspecialized
athicksoup,especiallyone that is made fromshellfish(=seacreaturesthatliveinshells):
海味浓汤,贝类浓汤,海鲜浓汤Westartedwith abowlofcreamylobsterbisque.
Lightsoupssuch ascreamsoups, bisques, orvegetablesoupsare usually theintroductionto amealratherthan themaincourse.

Nattawat Chakreyanan/EyeEm/GettyImages
apalepinkish-browncoloursimilarto thecolourof thissoup:
Refrigerators areavailableinwhite,black,stainlesssteel, and bisque (beige).
- alphabet soup
- avgolemono
- borscht
- bouillabaisse
- bouillon
- cock-a-leekie
- congee
- consommé
- court bouillon
- gazpacho
- madrilene
- Manhattan clam chowder
- menudo
- minestrone
- mock turtle soup
- pho
- potage
- ramen
- Scotch broth
- soup
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Less common colours
amaterialmade out ofclaythat has beenfired(=heatedin aspecialovenso itbecomeshard)onceand notyetglazed(=coveredwith ashinylayerandheatedagain):
Bisque is not water-safe until it has beenpaintedwithglazeand thenfiredagain.
See also
- Bisque was the mostcommonmaterialfordollheadsuntil thebeginningof the 20thcentury.
Ceramics & pottery
- amphora
- biscuit ware
- bisqueware
- bone china
- ceramic
- china
- chinoiserie
- earthen
- earthenware
- fire
- glaze
- kaolin
- kiln
- porcelain
- potter
- potter's wheel
- stoneware
- terracotta
- throw
- ware
bisquenoun(SPECIAL CHANCE)
[Cusually singular]sportsspecialized
insportssuch ascroquet,tennis, orgolf, anextraturnthat is given to aweakerplayer:
Theballswereplacedsobadlythat Idecidedto take a bisque.
[Cusually singular]
specialpermissionnot to do something:
This was adebatein which one wouldchooseto take a bisque.
Bowls, bowling & croquet
- boule
- bowl
- bowling
- bowling alley
- bowling ball
- bowling green
- croquet
- crown green bowls
- duckpin bowling
- end
- jack
- lawn bowling
- mallet
- skittle
- tenpin bowling
- tenpins
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Allowing and permitting
Freedom to act
uk/biːsk//bɪsk/us/biːsk//bɪsk/tofireclayobjects(=heatthem in aspecialoven)once, usually beforeglazingthem(=coveringthem with ashinylayerandheatingthem again):
To bisque is tofiretheclayfor the firsttime.
Bisqueware orbiscuitwareis atermforpotsthat have been bisqued.
Bisquedpotsare oftenpinkishincolour.
Ceramics & pottery
- amphora
- biscuit ware
- bisqueware
- bone china
- ceramic
- china
- chinoiserie
- earthen
- earthenware
- fire
- glaze
- kaolin
- kiln
- porcelain
- potter
- potter's wheel
- stoneware
- terracotta
- throw
- ware