air filter
uk/ˈeə ˌfɪl.tər/us/ˈer ˌfɪl.tɚ/(alsoair cleaner,uk/ˈeə ˌkliː.nər/us/ˈer ˌkliː.nɚ/)apieceofequipmentforremovingharmfulsubstancesfrom theairso thatpeopledo notbreathethem in:
空气过滤器Keepyourcarproperlytunedup, andchangetheairfilterregularly.保持车辆正常运转,定期更换空气过滤器。
Theysellaircleanersfor use incarsandofficecubicles.他们出售用于汽车和办公室小隔间的空气净化器。
- Theassociationrecommendedusingairfiltersin thehometocutdown onindoorairpollution.
- Thebuildingsareequippedwith anairfilterthatremovesthesmallestparticles,includingallbacteriaandviruses.
- Theairfiltersthat aresupposedtokeepradioactiveparticlesfromescapinginto theairmight notholdup during anaccident.
- Hesuggestsusingaircleanerswith HEPAfilterstocombatpetallergies.
- Thesmokers'roomfeaturesacentralaircleanerand fourextractorfans.
Straining & filtering devices
- butter paper
- coffee filter
- filter
- filter bed
- filter paper
- funnel
- greaseproof paper
- HEPA filter
- hopper
- parchment paper
- salad spinner
- sieve
- sifter
- skimmer
- strainer
- tea strainer
- water filter
- wringer
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