air taxi
uk/ˈeə ˌtæˈer ˌtæ, usually asmallplane, thattakespassengersonshortflightsattheirrequestinexchangeforpayment:
More than aquarterof Alaskansliveoff theroadsystem, so many rely onairtaxis.
Fares for thetourstartat $100,basedon eightpeoplesharinganairtaxi.
- Theincreasingpopularityofsmallerjetsforcorporateuse orrentedasairtaxisisaddingtoaircongestion.
- In theNationalPark,airtaxistaketouriststoviewbears.
- Here's analternativeto thedelaysandhasslesassociatedwithflyingonscheduledairlinesout ofmajorairports:hireanairtaxi.
- Airlinerscarrymany morepeopleperflightthanairtaxisdo.
- They areplanningtolaunchanairtaxiservicethat will makecatchingaplaneaseasyashiringalimo.
Air travel: fixed-wing aircraft & helicopters
- airframe
- airliner
- airplane
- amphibian
- biplane
- chopper
- copter
- crop duster
- dive-bomber
- hang-glider
- helicopter
- interceptor
- jumbo jet
- shuttle
- superplane
- ultralight
- vertical take-off
- warplane
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Air travel: travelling by aircraft