alarm bell
uk/əˈlɑːm ˌbel/us/əˈlɑːrm ˌbel/adevicethat makes aloudringingsoundtowarnofdanger:
警铃Analarmbellgoes offif the monitor'sreadingsfallbelow 40.如果显示器的读数低于40,警铃就会响。
Alarmbellsweresoundingall over thebuilding.整栋大楼都警铃大作。

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警钟Even if hisaccountis notentirelyaccurate, it's analarmbell.即使他的叙述不完全准确,也是一个预警信号。
alarm bells go off/ring/sound
(alsoan alarm bell goes off/rings/sounds)
used todescribeanoccasionwhen yourealizethat there may be aseriousproblemordanger:
敲响警钟;发出危险预警When Franksuggestedcoming tostayfor acoupleofdays,alarmbellsstartedtoringin myhead.当弗兰克建议来住几天时,我的脑海里响起了危险预警。
to raise/ring/set off/sound alarm bells
(alsoto ring/sound an alarm bell,to set (the) alarm bells ringing)
tocauseworrybecause of being asignthat there may be aseriousproblem:
敲响警钟;引起警觉Herstatementshould haverungalarmbellsbut nobody took theprecautionofcheckingthefacts.她的陈述本应敲响警钟,但没有人采取预防措施去核查事实。
to ring/sound the alarm bell
(alsoto ring/sound the alarm bells)
towarnpeopleabout aseriousproblemordanger:
敲响警钟;发出危险预警Healthcareworkershave beensoundingthealarmbellabout theshortageofhospitalbedsfor severalyears.几年来,医护人员一直在发出医院病床短缺的危险预警。
- Shortly after 2 a.m. analarmbellwent off.
- If anything goeswrong, don'thesitatetoringthealarmbell.
- Securityexpertssay theattacksrepresentanalarmbellfor the country'sintelligenceagencies.
- We'vefoundthat there arefarfewertigersthan we'dthoughtin thoseforestsand that's analarmbellfor us.
Threats & warnings
- (just) you waitidiom
- beware the ides of Marchidiom
- brushback pitch
- canary
- canary in a coalmineidiom
- caveat
- communication cord
- do you want to make something/anything of it?idiom
- don't you dareidiom
- false alarm
- heads-up
- slip
- there's many a slip twixt cup and lipidiom
- tip
- tipsomeoneoff
- trigger warning
- ultimatum
- wait
- warning
- yellow card