alongpieceofclothwith words written on it, sometimesstretchedbetween twopolesandcarriedbypeopletakingpartin amarch:
(游行队伍等用的)横幅Thedemonstratorswalkedalong thestreet,carryingbanners andshoutingangrily.示威者行进在大街上,高举横幅,愤怒声讨。

Martin Juen/Getty Images Sport/GettyImages
abanner advertisement
(互联网或报纸上的)横幅广告,广告条(同 banner advertisement)[S]
anidea,principle, orbeliefthat isstronglysupportedby someone:
主张;原则;信仰Theywontheelectionunderthe banneroflowertaxes.他们打着降低税收的旗号赢得了选举。
Activism & pressure groups
- activism
- activist
- agitation
- agitator
- agitprop
- clicktivism
- clicktivist
- counter-demonstrate
- counter-demonstration
- counter-demonstrator
- identity politics
- insurgency
- insurrection
- interest group
- lobbyist
- social enterprise
- social entrepreneur
- special interest group
- super-lobbyist
- super-militant
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Internet terminology
Opinions, beliefs and points of view
a banner year/season/month/week