informalmainlyUSuk/ˈbʌzˌwɜː.ði/us/ˈbʌzˌwɝː.ði/likelyto betalkedabout a lot by thepublic, ontelevisionorradio, innewspapers, onsocialmedia, etc.:
Her buzzworthynovelisfullofsuspense.
Thevenuewaspackedfullofpeopledyingtohearthe buzzworthyactlive.
- If you're themanagerof a buzzworthyrestaurant, everyonewantsto beyourfriend.
- They are the onlyoneswho are doing anything that isactuallybuzzworthy.
- It waspurerecession-proof,innocent, buzzworthyfun.
Exciting and interesting
- absorbing
- action-packed
- adventurous
- alley
- arresting
- bracing
- coruscating
- exhilarating
- fancifully
- fascinating
- fast lane
- gnarly
- rip-roaring
- riveting
- romantic
- romantically
- rousing
- Roy of the Rovers stuff
- sensationally
- spectacularly