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[U]agroupoflanguagesspokenbypeopleinCentralandSouthernAfricathatincludesSwahili, Xhosa, andZulu (中部和南部非洲的)班图语系 [C]offensiveamemberof agroupofpeoplewhospeakBantulanguages. The use of this word for apersoncan beconsideredoffensive,particularlyinSouthAfrica. - Themajorityof Tanzania'speopleare made up of twogeneralindigenousgroups, which consist of thosespeakingBantu and thosespeakingNilotic.
- In Chichewa, a Bantulanguagespokenmainlyin Malawi, there is acontrastbetween high andlowtone.
- Palo Monterecreatesritualspracticedby the Congo and other Bantu-speakingpeople.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesLanguage names - Albanian
- American English
- Amharic
- Angrezi
- Aramaic
- Ebonics
- Finno-Ugric
- Flemish
- Georgian
- Greenlandic
- Gujarati
- Hawaiian
- Manx
- Mongolian
- Montenegrin
- Nauruan
- Nepalese
- Nepali
- Romany
- Semitic
See more results » (Definition ofBantufrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)[U]agroupoflanguagesspokenbypeopleinCentralandSouthernAfricathatincludesSwahili, Xhosa, andZulu (中部和南部非洲的)班图语系 [C]offensiveamemberof agroupofpeoplewhospeakBantulanguages. This word can beconsideredoffensive,particularlyinSouthAfrica. 班图人(此词有冒犯意,尤在南非) - Themajorityof Tanzania'speopleare made up of twogeneralindigenousgroups, which consist of thosespeakingBantu and thosespeakingNilotic.
- In Chichewa, a Bantulanguagespokenmainlyin Malawi, there is acontrastbetween high andlowtone.
- Palo Monterecreatesritualspracticedby the Congo and other Bantu-speakingpeople.
- It isestimatedthat 160,000 Bantus weredrivenfromtheirlandsduring thewar.
- Shewonderswhat she can do here tohelpnewrefugeeslike the Somali Bantus.
#https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/bantu## |