uk/ˈbeɪ.əʊ.bæb/us/ˈbeɪ.oʊ.bæb/(alsobaobab tree)atreewith athicktrunk(=mainstem)thatgrowsinAfricaandAustralia, andlivesfor a verylongtime:
Thetree, a baobab, ishugeandancient, with amassivetrunk30feetaround.
Nativespeciessuch asfigs, baobabs andacaciasare being re-planted in Kenya.
Six of the eightspeciesof baobabtreeareuniqueto Madagascar.

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- Somepeopleclaimit isnecessarytoculltheelephantsbecause they aredestroyingwoodland,includingsome 2,000-year-old thick-trunked baobabs.
- Hebecameskilledatclimbingbaobabtreesto gethoney.
- InpartsofEastAfrica, the baobab isvaluedchieflyforitsfabuloussize.
Deciduous trees
- acacia
- acer
- alder
- almond
- aspen
- beech
- chestnut
- ficus
- ginkgo
- hawthorn
- hazel
- hickory
- horse chestnut
- laburnum
- rubber tree
- sakura
- silver birch
- spotted gum
- stringybark
- teak