every one (of), or thecompleteamountornumber(of), or thewhole(of):
每一个;全部,全体;所有Allanimalshave toeatinordertolive.所有动物都必须吃东西才能生存。
She has fourchildren, all under theageof five.她有4个孩子,都不到5岁。
Thecastalllinedup onstageto taketheirbow.全体演员都在台上站成一排向观众鞠躬。
Have youdrunkall(of)themilk?你把牛奶都喝光了?
Have youdrunkit all?你把它全喝光了?
All theeggsgotbroken.鸡蛋都破了。
Now the money's all mine!现在钱全都是我的了!
All myfriendsagree.我的朋友全都同意。
I've beentryingallday/weektocontactyou.整整一天/星期我都在设法联系你。
She had £2,000 under thebedand thethievestook it all.她把2000英镑藏在了床底下,贼全都给偷走了。
I had to use all mypowersofpersuasionto get her toagree.我不得不使出浑身解数劝她同意。
Remember all thattroublewe had with thepolicelastyear?你还记得去年我们跟警察闹出的那一堆麻烦事儿吗?
Solongas he'shappy- that's all thatmatters(= the mostimportantthing).只要他幸福就行了——那是最重要的。
All(= the only thing)I need is aroofover myheadand adecentmeal.我需要的不过是一个栖身之处和一顿饱饭。
Thejudgeclearedthecourtof allbut(= everyone except)herself and thewitness.法官命令所有人退出法庭,只留下她自己和证人。
Why do you get soangrywith me allthetime(= very often)?你为什么老是对我怒气冲冲的?
It's verykindof you to come allthe waytomeetme.你这么大老远赶来接我,真是太感谢了。
all in all
consideringall the differentpartsof thesituationtogether:
总的说来,从各方面来说;总之All in all, Ithinkyou've done very well.总的说来,我觉得你做得很不错。
all I'm sayinginformal
used when you make acommentorcriticism, so that itseemslesssevereor is lesslikelytooffendsomeone:
(提意见或批评时用来缓和语气)我只是觉得All I'm saying is Ithinkthe endpartcould have been a littleshorter.我只是觉得结尾处可以稍微短一点儿。
all the...youhave
the only andsmallamountornumberof something you have:
仅有的…;唯一的…Herparentsdiedwhen she was ababy, so I was all thefamilysheeverhad.她尚在襁褓之中的时候双亲就过世了,因此我是她唯一的亲人。
- Obviously we can'tdealwith theproblemuntil weknowall thecircumstances.
- We allclappedhisperformanceenthusiastically.
- Iwantyou toclearall thesetoysaway beforebedtime.
- Thesuspectsaid that he had been athomeallevening.
- She had £2,000 under thebedand thethievestook it all.
Linguistics: both, all, each & every
- A, a
- all roundphrase
- any
- apiece
- both
- each
- either
- every
- every minuteidiom
- pan
- per
- pop
- strength
- the
- throw
- to
- whole
All means ‘every one’, ‘the complete number or amount’ or ‘the whole’. We use it most often as a determiner. We can use a countable noun or an uncountable noun after it:…Allas a determiner
All means ‘every one’, ‘the complete number or amount’ or ‘the whole’. We use it most often as a determiner. We can use a countable noun or an uncountable noun after it:…Allwith no article
When all refers to a whole class of people or things, we don’t use the:…All of
We use all of before personal pronouns (us, them), demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) and relative pronouns (whom, which). The personal pronoun is in the object form:…Allwithoutof
We use all, not all of, before indefinite plural nouns referring to a whole class of people or things:…Allwith personal pronouns
When all refers to a personal pronoun which is the object in a clause, we can use pronoun + all or all of + pronoun. The pronoun is in the object form:…Allas a pronoun
We can use all alone as a pronoun in formal situations:…Allas an adverb
When all refers to the subject of a clause, it usually comes in the normal mid position for adverbs (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb):…Allmeaning ‘completely’ or ‘extremely’
We can also use all as an adverb meaning ‘completely’ or ‘extremely’, especially in informal styles:…All: not all
We can make all negative by using not in front of it:…All: after all
We use after all in two main ways. We use it to mean ‘in spite of what happened before’. With this meaning it usually occurs in end position:…Allorevery?
All and every are determiners.…Allandevery+ nouns
The meaning of all and every is very similar but we use them in different ways. We use all with plural and uncountable nouns and every with singular nouns:…All (of) the
We can use all and all of before articles (the, a/an), demonstratives (this, that) and possessives (our, his) but we can’t use every before them:…All day,every day
We use all day, all week, all month to mean ‘one entire day/week/month’:…Allorevery: typical errors
We don’t use every before determiners:…Allorwhole?
All and whole are determiners.…Allorwholefor single entities
We use the whole or the whole of to refer to complete single things and events that are countable and defined:…All thewith uncountable nouns
We use all the and not the whole with uncountable nouns:…Allandwholewith plural nouns
We usually use all the and all of the with plural nouns:…Allandwhole: typical errors
We don’t use all before a and an:…Idioms
all day long
all good things (must) come to an end
all ofsomething
be all (that)youcan do
that's all I/you/we need!
完全地Thecakewas alleatenlastnight.昨晚蛋糕全都吃完了。
Thedownstairsroomswerepaintedall ingreensandblues.楼下的房间全都粉刷成了绿色和蓝色。
Don'tlether get you allupset.不要因为她的缘故而伤心烦恼。
She's been all overtownlookingfor you.她跑遍全城到处找你。
I've beenhearingall aboutyourweekend!你周末发生的事我全都听说了!
We had adifficulttimebut it's allovernow.有段日子我们确实过得很艰难,但是现在一切都过去了。
Theprincesslivedallalone/byherselfin themiddleof theforest.公主一个人孤零零地住在森林深处。
used after anumbertomeanthat bothteamsorplayersin agamehaveequalpoints:
(指比赛双方分数相同)…平Thescoreathalf-timewas still four all.到中场时,比分仍然是4平。
all but
几乎,差不多Thegamewas all but over by thetimewearrived.我们到那儿时,比赛差不多要结束了。
all roundUK(USall around)
in every way:
全面地,在各方面It was aghastlybusinessall round.从哪方面说这都是笔极其糟糕的生意。
all the better, stronger, more exciting, etc.
evenor muchbetter,stronger, moreexciting, etc.:
更好,更强,更加精彩Shefeltall thebetterforthedrink.喝下饮料后她感觉好多了。
- Hisfingerprintswere all over thegun.
- I had atraintocatch, so I waswatchingtheclockall through themeeting.
- When Itriedtotellher that Ilovedher it just came out allwrong.
- Theareawhere Igrewup has been allmodernized, and haslostallitsoldcharacter.
- I had toreadthelettertwicebefore I could take it all in.
Complete and whole
- (all) in one pieceidiom
- A, a
- absolute
- all or nothingidiom
- all-in-one
- all-inclusive
- fell
- fibre
- from stem to sternidiom
- full-blown
- full-fledged
- full-length
- fully
- plain
- thoroughly
- through and throughidiom
- to the lastidiom
- totality
- toto
- unabridged
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Linguistics: both, all, each & every
All means ‘every one’, ‘the complete number or amount’ or ‘the whole’. We use it most often as a determiner. We can use a countable noun or an uncountable noun after it:…Allas a determiner
All means ‘every one’, ‘the complete number or amount’ or ‘the whole’. We use it most often as a determiner. We can use a countable noun or an uncountable noun after it:…Allwith no article
When all refers to a whole class of people or things, we don’t use the:…All of
We use all of before personal pronouns (us, them), demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those) and relative pronouns (whom, which). The personal pronoun is in the object form:…Allwithoutof
We use all, not all of, before indefinite plural nouns referring to a whole class of people or things:…Allwith personal pronouns
When all refers to a personal pronoun which is the object in a clause, we can use pronoun + all or all of + pronoun. The pronoun is in the object form:…Allas a pronoun
We can use all alone as a pronoun in formal situations:…Allas an adverb
When all refers to the subject of a clause, it usually comes in the normal mid position for adverbs (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb):…Allmeaning ‘completely’ or ‘extremely’
We can also use all as an adverb meaning ‘completely’ or ‘extremely’, especially in informal styles:…All: not all
We can make all negative by using not in front of it:…All: after all
We use after all in two main ways. We use it to mean ‘in spite of what happened before’. With this meaning it usually occurs in end position:…Allorevery?
All and every are determiners.…Allandevery+ nouns
The meaning of all and every is very similar but we use them in different ways. We use all with plural and uncountable nouns and every with singular nouns:…All (of) the
We can use all and all of before articles (the, a/an), demonstratives (this, that) and possessives (our, his) but we can’t use every before them:…All day,every day
We use all day, all week, all month to mean ‘one entire day/week/month’:…Allorevery: typical errors
We don’t use every before determiners:…Allorwhole?
All and whole are determiners.…Allorwholefor single entities
We use the whole or the whole of to refer to complete single things and events that are countable and defined:…All thewith uncountable nouns
We use all the and not the whole with uncountable nouns:…Allandwholewith plural nouns
We usually use all the and all of the with plural nouns:…Allandwhole: typical errors
We don’t use all before a and an:…Idioms
be all over it
besomeoneall over
be all go
be not all there
go all out