biologyspecializeduk/ˈbaɪ.vælv/us/ˈbaɪ.vælv/atypeofmollusc, such as anoyster, that hasitsbodyinside twoconnectedshells:
双壳贝类(如牡蛎)Theyfishforclams,oysters, and other bivalves.

Isabelle Rozenbaum & Frederic Cirou/PhotoAlto Agency RF Collections/GettyImages
- Scallops aremobileand canescapepollutantsthatimmobilebivalves likemussels,clamsandoysterscannotavoid.
- Thezebramussel, a black-and-whitestripedbivalve, is ahighlyinvasivespecies.
- At theoysterprocessingplant,employeesonmountedplatformsshuckedbivalves by the dozens.
Sea creatures
- abalone
- amphipod
- anemone
- barnacle
- barrier reef
- crab
- cray
- crayfish
- crustacean
- cuttlefish
- littleneck clam
- lobster
- marron
- mollusc
- mussel
- shellfish
- shipworm
- shrimp
- squid
- starfish
adjective[before noun]
biologyspecializeduk/ˈbaɪ.vælv/us/ˈbaɪ.vælv/having abodyinside twoconnectedshells:
a bivalvemollusc
- Mussels are bivalveanimals, whilegastropodslikesnailsandlimpetshave oneshell.
- Theploverseatworms,variouscrustaceans,insects, andoccasionallybivalvemollusks.
- There arespeciesthatlivein theseaand nevermove, such as bivalvemolluscs.
- Razorclamsareediblebivalveshellfish.
Sea creatures
- abalone
- amphipod
- anemone
- barnacle
- barrier reef
- crab
- cray
- crayfish
- crustacean
- cuttlefish
- littleneck clam
- lobster
- marron
- mollusc
- mussel
- shellfish
- shipworm
- shrimp
- squid
- starfish