释义 |
blackadjective(COLOUR)A1having thedarkestcolourthere is, like thecolourofcoalor of a verydarknight: 黑色的 - Iwantedasimpleblackdress, nothingfancy.
- Iheardaloudbangand thensawblacksmoke.
- Thezebrais awildAfricanhorsewith black andwhitestripes.
- When youfillin theform,pleasewriteclearlyin blackink.
- Amalie wasdressedcompletelyin black,rightdown to blacklipstickand a blackearring.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBlack, white & grey - coal black
- dove grey
- ebony
- gray
- grey
- greyish
- greyness
- gunmetal grey
- jet black
- lily-white
- non-colour
- noncoloured
- pearl
- pearly
- sombre
- sombrely
- sooty
- steel-gray
- whiten
- whiteness
See more results » blackadjective(PEOPLE)A2(alsoBlack)relatingorbelongingtopeoplewith black ordarkbrownskin,especiallypeoplewholiveinAfricaor whosefamilyoriginallycame fromAfrica: 黑种人的;黑人的 blackculture黑人文化 BlackAmericans美国黑人 - There's alargeBlackcommunitylivingin thisarea.
- Thearmedforcesare now givingpositiveencouragementtoapplicationsfrom Asians and Blackpeople.
- Britainis amulti-ethnicsociety, with many Black andAsianpeople.
- He had a Blackmotherand awhitefather.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesThe skin, & skin colour - anti-wrinkle
- ashy
- beauty spot
- bloodless
- blush
- colouring
- crevice
- crimson
- cutaneous
- cutis
- florid
- flush
- freckle
- mole
- sunbath
- sunbathing
- sunburned
- suntan
- suntanned
- tanned
See more results » blackadjective(COFFEE/TEA)without anymilkorcreamadded: 不加牛奶或奶油的acupofstrongblackcoffee一杯浓浓的黑咖啡 I like myteablack, withsugar.我喜欢在茶里不加牛奶,加糖。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWarm drinks - Americano
- arabica
- Assam
- babyccino
- bed-tea
- coffee maker
- congou
- crema
- cuppa
- Darjeeling
- infuse
- infusion
- Irish coffee
- jasmine tea
- joe
- robusta
- rooibos
- Rosie Lee
- sencha
- stewed
See more results » blackadjective(BAD)Thefuturelookedblack.未来希望渺茫。 a black-heartedvillain一个黑心肠的恶棍 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSerious and unpleasant - abominable
- abominably
- abysmal
- abysmally
- apocalyptic
- fiendish
- fraught
- frightful
- from hellidiom
- fun
- nasty
- nightmarish
- nightmarishly
- noisome
- not be all fun and gamesidiom
- unutterable
- vile
- woeful
- woefully
- wretchedly
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Idiomsblack and blue not be as black asyou arepainted paint a black picture ofsomething/someone blacknoun(COLOUR)A2[U]thecolourofcoalor of theskyon a verydarknight: 黑色 She oftendressesinblack(= in blackclothes).她经常穿黑色衣服。  bgblue/DigitalVision Vectors(NO PRPER IMAGE)/GettyImages black and white Black andwhitephotographyhas nocoloursexcept black,white, andgrey: (照片等)黑白的Theoldnewsreelswerefilmedinblack andwhite.老的新闻短片是用黑白胶片拍的。 See moreSMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBlack, white & grey - coal black
- dove grey
- ebony
- gray
- grey
- greyish
- greyness
- gunmetal grey
- jet black
- lily-white
- non-colour
- noncoloured
- pearl
- pearly
- sombre
- sombrely
- sooty
- steel-gray
- whiten
- whiteness
See more results » blacknoun(PEOPLE)[C]offensive(alsoBlack)a word for apersonwho has black orbrownskin, which may beconsideredoffensivewhen used as anounratherthan anadjective GrammarFixed expressions withand We often use and in common fixed expressions. The order of the words cannot change: peace and quiet, pick and choose, come and go, knife and fork, black and white.… Idiomsbe (down) in black and white be in the black black-and-white black is white sth is the new black see things in black and white blackverb[T](MAKE DARK)to put a blacksubstanceon something or to make something black: 使…变成黑色Thesoldiersused to blacktheirfaces.士兵们曾将脸涂黑。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesBlack, white & grey - coal black
- dove grey
- ebony
- gray
- grey
- greyish
- greyness
- gunmetal grey
- jet black
- lily-white
- non-colour
- noncoloured
- pearl
- pearly
- sombre
- sombrely
- sooty
- steel-gray
- whiten
- whiteness
See more results » blackverb[T](AVOID)UKIf atradeunionor otherorganizationblacksgoodsorpeople, itrefusestohandleorworkwith them. (工会)抵制(货物或人);拒绝(同某人工作) SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesForbidding and banning things - abolish
- abolition
- abolitionist
- anti-censorship
- ban
- curfew
- debar
- decertification
- decertify
- disallow
- non-valid
- off-limits
- out of boundsidiom
- outlaw
- prohibit
- unapproved
- unauthorized
- unkosher
- verboten
- veto
See more results » Phrasal verbsblacksomethingout black out black(something)up (Definition ofblackfrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)blackadjective(COLOUR)A1having thedarkestcolourthere is, like thecolourofcoalor of a verydarknight - Iwantedasimpleblackdress, nothingfancy.
- Iheardaloudbangand thensawblacksmoke.
- Thezebrais awildAfricanhorsewith black andwhitestripes.
- When youfillin theform,pleasewriteclearlyin blackink.
- Amalie wasdressedcompletelyin black,rightdown to blacklipstickand a blackearring.
blackadjective(PEOPLE)A2(alsoBlack)relatingorbelongingtopeoplewith black ordarkbrownskin,especiallypeoplewholiveinAfricaor whosefamilyoriginallycame fromAfrica 黑种人的;黑人的blackculture黑人文化 Black Americans美国黑人 - There's alargeblackcommunitylivingin thisarea.
- Thearmedforcesare now givingpositiveencouragementtoapplicationsfrom Asians and blackpeople.
- Thepolicehad to fend offallegationsofinstitutionalracismafter a blacksuspectwasbeatenby fourwhitepoliceofficers.
- Britainis amulti-ethnicsociety, with many black andAsianpeople.
- He had a blackmotherand awhitefather.
blackadjective(COFFEE/TEA)without anymilkorcreamadded 不加牛奶或奶油的acupofstrongblackcoffee一杯浓浓的黑咖啡 I like myteablack, withsugar.我喜欢在茶里不加牛奶,加糖。 blackadjective(BAD)无希望的Thefuturelookedblack.未来希望渺茫。 坏的,邪恶的a black-heartedvillain一个黑心肠的恶棍 Idiomsblack and blue not be as black asyou arepainted paint a black picture ofsth/sb blacknoun(COLOUR)A2[U]thecolourofcoalor of theskyon a verydarknight 黑色She oftendressesinblack(= in blackclothes).她经常穿黑色衣服。 black and white Black andwhitephotographyhas nocoloursexcept black,white, andgrey. (照片等)黑白的Theoldnewsreelswerefilmedinblack andwhite.老的新闻短片是用黑白胶片拍的。 a black andwhitephoto黑白照片 blacknoun(PEOPLE)[C]offensive(alsoBlack)a blackperson 黑人 GrammarFixed expressions withand We often use and in common fixed expressions. The order of the words cannot change: peace and quiet, pick and choose, come and go, knife and fork, black and white.… Idiomsbe (down) in black and white be in the black black-and-white brown, green, etc. is the new black see things in black and white blackverb[T](MAKE DARK)to put a blacksubstanceon something or to make something black 使…变成黑色Thesoldiersused to blacktheirfaces.士兵们曾将脸涂黑。 blackverb[T](AVOID)UKIf atradeunionor otherorganizationblacksgoodsorpeople, itrefusestohandleorworkwith them. (工会)抵制(货物或人);拒绝(同某人工作) black| American Dictionaryblackadjective,noun[U](COLOR)(of) thedarkestcolorthere is, likenight: He wasdressedall in black. Blackcoffeeorteahas nomilkorcreamin it. Idiomsin black and white in the black blackadjective(DARK SKIN)[-er/-est only]of orbelongingto agroupofpeoplehavingskinthat isbrown,esp.African-Americanpeople: As a black woman, I amproudof myAfrican-Americanheritage. Note:- Although African-American is the word preferred by many, black is also widely used and is not offensive:Blackleadersdisagreedover how torespond.As a noun, African-American is now more commonly used, but when describing historical events, black may be used.
blackadjective(SAD OR BAD)withouthope, verybad, orsad: The blackesttimeof all was when hiseyesfailed. (Definition ofblackfrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)in the black FINANCE,ACCOUNTINGacompanyororganizationthat is in the black has made aprofit: Analystspredictthat thegroupwill end thefiscalyearin the black. FINANCE,STOCK MARKETsharesthat are in the black haveincreasedinvalue: Smallersharesendedin the black, but with lessdramaticgainsthan thebluechips. BANKING,ACCOUNTINGabankaccountthat is in the black hasmoneyin it: Wehopethat theharderwework, the moreouraccountwillstayin the black. go into/move into/return to, etc. the black tostartmaking aprofitafterlosingmoney: This is thebiggestshoppingdayof theyear, whenretailersaimto go into the black. Themainindexactuallymovedback into the black lateafternoon. UKif atradeunionblacksgoods, anorganization, etc. itrefusestodealwith them (Definition ofblackfrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press) #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/black## |