aChristianpriestwithspecialdutiesin acathedral
大教堂教士Religious leaders & officials
- anti-papal
- apostolic
- archbishop
- archbishopric
- archdeacon
- clerical
- confessor
- curacy
- curate
- minister
- ministry
- muezzin
- mullah
- non-clerical
- priestly
- primate
- rabbi
- rabbinical
- the Dalai Lama
- the priesthood
[Cusually plural]religionformalorspecialized
arule,principle, orlaw,especiallyin theChristianChurch
原则;准则;法规;(尤指)基督教教规Rules & laws
- admiralty
- anti-bribery
- anti-regulatory
- anti-sodomy
- anti-speculative
- binding
- edict
- juridical
- leash law
- legislation
- non-binding
- non-competition
- non-regulation
- protocol
- retroactive
- self-regulation
- sharia
- the Highway Code
- the law is an assidiom
- the Official Secrets Act
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Religious beliefs & atheistic beliefs
[Cusually singular]
the writings or otherworksthat aregenerallyagreedto be good,important, andworthstudying:
He has made it into the canon ofEnglishpoetry.
Shearguesthat the canon must beopenedup to more non-Europeanwriters.
People sometimesthinktheclassicalmusiccanonfinishesaround 1900.
[Cusually singular]
all the writings or otherworksknownto be by aparticularperson:
(…的)作品全集the Shakespearean canon莎士比亚作品全集
This is asimportantapieceofmusicas any in the Mahler canon.
abook, TV show,film, etc. thatitsfans(=peoplewho like it very much)use tobasetheirownstories,activities, etc. on:
Thingsfansmightproduceinhonourof a canonincludepaintings,comics,videos,fanfictionand cosplay.
Many Harry Potterfansdon'tconsideranything but thepublishedbooksto be canon.
- He hasearnedhisplacein Ireland'sliterarycanon.
- This is akeynovelof theAfricancanon.
- aclassicof themodernistcanon
- Hehailedthepaintingas alandmarkof the 20thcenturycanon.
- Now the movie'splacein thefilmcanon has beensealed.
- Thecompanyownstherightsto Enid Blyton'sliterarycanon.
- action hero
- alliterative
- alternative history
- anapest
- anti-literary
- femslash
- fictionality
- fictive
- free verse
- genre fiction
- ode
- passion play
- pentameter
- poem
- poesy
- tartan noir
- theatrics
- topos
- tragedy
- tragicomic
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
The visual arts in general
Cinema - general words
Writing, reading & studying music
Admirable and admired
apieceofmusic, or a way ofsingingorchantingin which onevoicesingsapartand then othervoicessingthe samepartone at atimein a way that isslightlydifferent:
Thephrasesarechantedin canon by themonksas aformofmeditation.
Themusicteachertaughttheclasstosingin a canon.
Technical music terms
- accidental
- aleatory
- antiphonal
- arpeggio
- arr.
- discord
- dissonance
- harmonic
- harmony
- key signature
- longa
- mike check
- slur
- staccato
- step
- stepwise
- syncopate
- syncopated
- syncopation
- trill