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单词 come out
释义 come out
1.move outside;emerge;appear 出来;出现
*The sun came out from behind the clouds late in the afternoon.傍晚时分,太阳从云层后面露了出来。 into full bloom(of flowers)开花
*Some flowers have begun to come out in early spring.早春时节,有些花已经开放了。
*The roses will come out next week.玫瑰下周就要开花。
3.become clear or known;be discovered明了;被获知;被发现;披露
*The truth will come out at the enquiry.调查一下,真相就会大白的。
*The secret will finally come out.这个秘密终究要被人知道的。 published被出版
*When does the new book come out?这本书何时出版?
*The Communist Manifesto first came out in 1848.《共产党宣言》于1848年首次发表。
*That magazine comes out once a month.那个杂志每月出一期。
5.reach a result结果是
*Please tell me how the voting came out.请告诉我选举结果如何。
6.reach a total;amount to a sum 总计
*The total income comes out at 5,000yuan.总收入达5000元。
7.go on strike罢工
*When their demands were rejected by their boss,the workers again came out.工人们的合理要求被拒绝后,又举行了罢工。
*The men have come out(on strike)for more pay.人们为增加工资而罢工。
*I don't think these stains are going to come out.我想这些污迹是洗不掉的。
9.(a photo,etc.)be developed (照片等)洗出来;照出来
*He always comes out well in photography.他照像总是很上像。




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