psychologyspecializedabbreviationforborderlinepersonalitydisorder: amentalconditionin which a person'smoodoftenchangessuddenlyand they havedifficultycontrollingtheirbehaviourorforminglongrelationships:
She wasdiagnosedwith BPD in herteens.
- Up to 75% ofpeoplediagnosedwith BPDengageinself-destructivebehaviour.
- "I don't have BPD," she says, "I'm analcoholic."
- Theyfoundthat thesesymptomsincreasethelikelihoodof afuturediagnosisof BPD.
- BPD usuallybeginsinadolescenceand isassociatedwithdevelopmentalincreasesin impulsivity.
- It might beexpectedthatpreschoolerswith BPDs willdisplayunderregulation of someemotions.
Mental illnesses
- ad
- adjustment disorder
- age-associated memory impairment
- anhedonia
- anorexia nervosa
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- bulimia
- hoarding
- Hyde
- hypochondriac
- hypochondriasis
- hysterical
- hysterically
- Jekyll and Hyde
- nervous breakdown
- senility
- somatization
- somatize
- Stockholm syndrome
- sundowning