alligator pear
uk/ˌæl.ɪ.ɡeɪ.tə ˈpeər/us/ˌæl.ə.ɡeɪ.t̬ɚ ˈper/anothernameforavocado(= atropicalfruitwithsoftpalegreenflesh):
Alligatorpearsare agreatsourceofnutrition.
Theyservedus aseafoodpiewith asliceofalligatorpearontop.
- You can make agreatmealfromhalfanalligatorpearchoppedup andmixedwithmayonnaiseor Thousand Islanddressing.
- In theCaribbean, thelocalsreferred to theavocadoas thealligatorpear.
- Theoilfrom thealligatorpearwas used to makesoap.
Types of fruit
- ackee
- amla
- angelica
- Anjou
- açaí
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- cucumber
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- loquat
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
- raisin