all in
(alsoall-in)uk/ˌɔːlˈɪn/us/ˌɑːlˈɪn/all inadverb(RISK)
in a way thatrisksallyourmoneyin agamesuch aspoker:
(扑克游戏等中)全下地,下注所有筹码地Ibet, heraisedme, Iraisedback and then hewentall in.我下了注,他比我下得更高,我又反超了他,然后他就索性全下了。
He took theviewthatratherthanpasshe hadbetterraiseall-in.他认为,与其不叫牌,还不如干脆全下。
in a way thatshowsa lot ofdeterminationand awillingnessto take abigriskinordertoachievesomething:
破釜沉舟地Rather than take thesaferpathandkeephisdayjob, Merkleywentall in andquithisexecutivepost.莫克利没有选择保留自己全职工作这样一条保险的道路,而是破釜沉舟地辞去了主管的职务。
Congressand thePresidenthavegoneall-in topropup theeconomy.国会和总统采取了破釜沉舟的方法来刺激经济。
- Aplayergoing all-in must put allchipsinto thepot.
- Hepassedto thesmallblind, whoraisedhim all-in.
- In No Limitspoker, aplayercan go "all-in" (betalltheirchips) at anytime.
- You have to go all in. You're not going toseethereturnonyourmoneyuntil youtransformyourwholesupplychain.
- It's acomedydramaabout twocolorfulLas Vegasdefenseattorneyswho go all-in when it comes torepresentingtheirclients.
Card games
- bidding
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- dealer
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- joker
- pass
- pool
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- royal flush
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking risks
Taking part and getting involved
all inadverb(INCLUDING ALL)
in a way thatincludeseverything in apriceortotal:
总价为(...)地Icalculatedthat aslongas a newfridgecostless than $360 all in, it would havepaidfor itself in the firstyear.我算了一下,只要新冰箱所有的费用加起来不超过360美元,它第一年就可以自己挣回成本。
Making thisdeliciousalmondandraisinlambcurrytakesjust anhour, all-in.完成这道美味的杏仁葡萄干羊肉咖喱一共只需要区区一个小时。
- Theweddingcost£1,500 all in. It was all done on thecheap.
- Atouroflocaltapasbarsin Barcelona willcostyou around £27perpersonall-in.
- Expect topayaround £2,000 aweek, all-in.
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- built-in
- carry
- cast
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- in
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
- reincorporation
- rich
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Costs & expenses
all in
(alsoall-in)uk/ˌɔːlˈɪn/us/ˌɑːlˈɪn/all inadjective(INCLUDING ALL)
includingeverything in apriceortotal:
总价为(...)的The all-incostwas £695,includingthe firstconsultation.总价为695英镑,其中包括第一次咨询的费用。
Hisestimateof $12-billion is "all in," andincludescostslikesitepreparationandfinancing.他估计120亿美元为“总价”,包括预备场地和融资的费用。
- Meals,golfandmassageareincludedin the all-inprice.
- In thatyear, Thomas Cook wasofferingan all-inholidayon the Riviera for twenty-eightpoundsand sixteenshillings.
- There are some good all-indealsthatincludeguidedtours.
Including and containing
- absorptive capacity
- assimilable
- assimilate
- buildsomethingin/intosomething
- built-in
- carry
- cast
- enshrine
- extend
- factor
- factorsomethingin
- forget
- in
- package
- pepper
- peppersomethingwithsomething
- plug(something/someone)intosomething
- reincorporate
- reincorporation
- rich
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Costs & expenses
all inadjective(RISK)
riskingallyourmoneyin agamesuch aspoker:
(扑克游戏等中)全下的,下注所有筹码的There was nobettingon the round because theplayerwas all in.这一轮没有下注,因为这名玩家已经下了所有筹码。
showinga lot ofdeterminationand awillingnessto take abigriskinordertoachievesomething:
破釜沉舟的Hewantsthewarto end but he iscommitted, he is all in.他希望结束战争,但是同时意志坚定,抱有破釜沉舟的决心。
Theactorisknownfor hisdaring, all-instyle.这名演员以其大胆、破釜沉舟的风格而著称。
- Everyonelovesthosecompelling"all-in"betsin whichgamblersshovetheirwholestackofchipsacrossthegreenfelt.
- When it comes tofootball, we're all in.
Card games
- bidding
- busted flush
- canasta
- card sharp
- deal
- dealer
- diamond
- flush
- jack
- joker
- pass
- pool
- re-raise
- rebid
- recut
- rookie card
- royal flush
- solitaire
- spade
- straight
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Taking risks
Taking part and getting involved
all inadjective(TIRED)
verytired, so you areunableto do anything more:
极累的,非常疲惫的I'm goinghomenow - I'm all in.我已经精疲力尽了,现在要回家了。
- "I'm off tobed," he said, "I'm all in."
- Go and get somerest, yousoundall-in.
- Iofferedtohelpher. Shelookedall in.
Tired and making tired
- anti-fatigue
- atyourworstidiom
- be dead onyourfeetidiom
- be fit/ready to dropidiom
- blah
- fit to dropidiom
- fragile
- frazzled
- gassed
- haggard
- half dead
- knackered
- shell-shocked
- sleep deprivation
- sleep-deprived
- sleepily
- sleepiness
- sleepy
- strung out
- zonked