(UKusuallycarbonisation)uk/ˌkɑː.bə.naɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/us/ˌkɑːr.bə.nəˈzeɪ.ʃən/theprocessofchangingor beingchangedintocarbon, byburning,heating, or duringfossilization(= theprocessof beingpreservedinrockover alongperiod):
Blackening orcharringis carbonization, and makesyoursteaktastelikecharcoal, soavoidit.
Solidfossilfuelsarefossilizedvegetablematterwhich haveundergonevariousdegreesof carbonization.
- Studies have been done on thecarcinogeniceffectsofcharringand carbonization.
- Theprocess,knownasflashcarbonization, usesheatandpressuretoturndriedgreenwasteintocharcoalin about 30minutes.
- Exposing thecookingoilto carbonisation willreducethelifeof theoil.
- Carbonisation is not anefficientmethodforproducinga carbon-basedgasfromcoalbecause only about 20percentof thecarbonin thecoalendsup in thegas.
Physical & chemical processes
- absorbable
- absorptive
- absorptive capacity
- acidification
- addition reaction
- condense
- electrolysis
- evaporate
- excitability
- excitation
- excite
- exergonic
- exothermic
- oxidize
- redox
- refraction
- rehydrate
- reliquefy
- reliquify
- solidify
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Burning, burnt & on fire