[Cusually singular,+ sing/pl verb](usuallyCabinet)
asmallgroupof the mostimportantpeopleingovernment, whoadvisethePresidentor Prime Minister and makeimportantdecisions:
内阁The Cabinetmeet/meetseveryThursday.内阁成员每周四开会。
ThePresidentiscompletingtheselectionof his new Cabinet.首相已宣布新内阁名单。
a cabinetpost内阁大臣
UKa cabinetreshuffle(=changesin the Cabinet).内阁改组
UKa cabinetminister内阁部长
- Thepresidenthasaccusedtwo cabinetministersofworkingsecretlytounderminehim.
- Sheneedstopersuadethe hard-liners in the cabinet.
- The cabinet will alsoattendthemeetingex-officio.
- The Ministerwishedit to beknownthat he hadleftthe cabinet of his ownvolition.
- It isrumouredthat shewantsto get back into the cabinet.
Government ministers & civil servants
- aide
- am
- attorney general
- backbencher
- chamberlain
- functionary
- government
- Home Secretary
- interministerial
- kitchen cabinet
- private secretary
- Privy Councillor
- procurator
- public servant
- secretary
- syndic
- town clerk
- undersecretary
- vizier
- Whitehall
apieceoffurniturewithshelves,cupboards, ordrawers, used forstoringorshowingthings:
贮藏柜;陈列柜;橱柜Valuablepiecesofchinawere ondisplayin a glass-fronted cabinet.贵重瓷器陈列在正面是玻璃的柜子里。

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Furniture for storage
- airing cupboard
- almirah
- bookcase
- bookshelf
- broom closet
- credenza
- cubby
- cubbyhole
- cupboard
- cwtch
- footlocker
- hatstand
- hot press
- hutch
- locker
- sideboard
- tallboy
- trophy cabinet
- wardrobe
- Welsh dresser