broccoli rabe
USuk/ˈbrɒk.əl.i ˌreɪb/us/ˈbrɑː.kəl.i ˌrɑːb/aplantrelatedto aturnipwhosedarkgreen,bitterleaves,stems, andsmallflowerbudsareeatenas avegetable:
西洋菜苔,球花甘蓝Cookbroccolirabe insaltedwatertoreducebitterness.用盐水煮球花甘蓝可以减少苦味。

Francesco Marzovillo/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Broccoli rabe or otherturnipgreensare toostrongfor many people'staste.
- There aredelicioussidedishes, likebroccolirabe withraisinsandpinenuts.
- Cover theskilletandcookuntil thebroccolirabestartstowilt.
- Italianslovegreenslikebroccolirabe (rapini, atypeofturnipgreens),dandelion, andfrisée(curlyendive).
Types of vegetable
- alfalfa
- allium
- Anaheim
- artichoke
- arugula
- Chinese leaves
- collard
- corn on the cob
- corn salad
- cornichon
- jicama
- kabocha
- kale
- kohlrabi
- lacinato kale
- salsify
- savoy cabbage
- scallion
- Scotch bonnet
- shallot