uk/brɒk//brɒx/us/brɑːk/aprehistoric(= from anancienttimebefore there were writtenrecords)roundstonetowerinnorthernScotland:
(苏格兰北部的)史前圆形石塔This is one of thebestpreservedbrochs,itsdry-stonecircularwallsreachingaheightof more than 30ft on the seawardside.这是保存最完好的史前圆形石塔,干石圆墙朝海一侧的高度达到30多英尺。

Marcin_Kadziolka/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- It'squitea goodpathover thecliffthere, and theislandwith the broch isworthavisit.
- There'squitea lot of the brochshowing, too,almostthecompletecircle.
- Iwanttoworkon Eilean na Roin - that'sSealIsland, where the broch is.
- I have been toseearchaeologicalsites- Clickimmin Broch is one of the mostremarkableinBritain.
- anatosaurus
- apatosaurus
- Australopithecus
- brachiosaurus
- brontosaurus
- Holocene
- ice age
- ichthyosaur
- iguanodon
- Jurassic
- Permian
- pictograph
- Pleistocene
- Pliocene
- post-glacial
- stegosaurus
- stone circle
- stone-age
- T-Rex
- theropod