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单词 cut back
释义 cut back
1.return quickly 迅速返回
*He cut back through the woods to where he had been standing before.他急速穿过树林回到原先一直站立的地方。
*The wounded soldier recovered and cut back to his unit.这位伤兵养好了伤,很快就归队了。
2.make shorter by cutting 剪短
*The tailor cut the cloth back.裁缝把布剪短了。
*We have cut the roses back in order to improve their growth.为了使玫瑰长得更好,我们已经修剪了枝干。
3.reduce in quantity or amount 削减;压缩
*The only way to do that is to cut back expenses.做到这一点的唯一办法就是减少开支。
*After the big job was finished,the builder cut back the number of men working for him.那项大工程完工之后,建筑商便裁减了工人的人数。




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