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单词 cut off
释义 cut off
1.disconnect(the supply of water or electricity);interrupt;turn off切断(水、电);中断;关掉
*Their water supply was cut off.他们的水源被切断了。
*All communications are cut off.一切交通都被切断了。
*The telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.我们还没有谈完,电话就被总机接线员切断了。
*The chairman will cut a speaker off if he talks too long.如果发言人讲得太长,主席会打断他的发言。
*The motor was cut off as soon as something seemed to be wrong with it.一旦发现发动机似乎有点毛病,就立即把它关掉。
2.remove by cutting the ends 切下来;剪下来
*They cut off the heads of their captives.他们把俘虏的头砍了下来。
*The rope is two feet longer than we needed,so we cut off the extra length.绳子比我们需要的长两英尺,因此我们把多余的给剪下来了。
3.isolate;make lonely 孤立
*The enemy soldiers were cut off from their headquarters.敌军同总部的联系被切断,成了孤军。
*The flood cut the villagers from the rest of the world.洪水切断了村民们与外界的联系。
4.disinherit 剥夺继承权
*He has cut his son off without a penny.他取消了儿子的继承权,一便士也不给。




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