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单词 cut up
释义 cut up
1.cut into small pieces 切碎
*Please cut the apple up into equal pieces.请把苹果切成大小相同的块。
*The cook was cutting up the meat for making jiaozi.厨师正在切肉包饺子。
*The tailor cut up a large piece of cloth to make one shirt for me and two for my son.裁缝把一大块布裁开给我做一件衬衣,给我儿子做两件。
2.wound 受伤
*Her face was badly cut up in the car crash.她的面部在车祸中严重受伤。
3.cause suffering to hurt the feeling of;upset 使痛心;使难过
*She was very cut up about her father's death.她父亲的去世使她悲痛万分。
*The boy was badly cut up when his girlfriend gave him back his ring.当女朋友还给他戒指时,这男孩非常伤心。
*There is no need to be so cut up at not succeeding this time.不必因这次没成功就这样难过。
*This news has cut him up.这消息使他心烦意乱。
4.attack;criticize 攻击;批评
*His book was severely cut up by the critics.他的书遭到评论家的严厉批评。
5.behave in a comic,boisterous or unruly manner 行为滑稽;吵吵闹闹;不守规矩
*The boys cut up when the old folks were away.大人一走开,孩子们就开始胡闹起来。
*At the party they cut up and broke the chairs.他们在晚会上胡闹并把椅子弄坏了。
6.destroy or severely damage 严重破坏;毁坏;受伤
*The machine guns cut up the enemy like knives.机关枪象刀子一样切入敌军心脏摧毁了敌军。




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