rowsofbrightlycolouredsmallflags, often in thecoloursof a country'sflag, that arehungacrossroadsorrooms, or above astage, asdecorationforspecialoccasionsorpoliticalevents:
Flags andred,whiteandbluebunting werehungalong themainstreet.

Urs Flueeler/EyeEm/GettyImages
- Thestreetswerecoveredwithflagsand bunting.
- Hestoodon astagedeckedout inred,whiteandbluebunting.
- AgiantAmericanflagand buntinggracedtheporchof his three-storyhome.
Objects & decorations connected with celebrations
- Advent calendar
- ball
- balloon
- bauble
- bonbon
- bridal wear
- Christmas ball
- Christmas cracker
- garland
- glow stick
- grogger
- hamper
- illumination
- jack-o'-lantern
- party popper
- pennant
- piñata
- souvenir
- stocking filler
- tinsel
any of severaltypesofsmallsingingbirdwith ashort,widebeak, and usuallybrownishfeathers,foundinEurope,Asia, andAfrica:
Theysawlapwings,skylarksand buntings.

Kevin Agar/500px/GettyImages
any of severaltypesofsmallsingingbirdwith ashort,wide,pointedbeakandbrightlycolouredfeatherson themalebird,foundinNorthandSouthAmerica:
ThestatebirdofColoradois thelarkbunting.
- Thewaterholewasluminouswithbirds:firefinches, golden-breasted buntings,herons.
- Birdspeciesatriskincludebarnowls, redshank,cornbunting andcorncrake.
Other wild birds
- bird of paradise
- blackbird
- blue tit
- bluebird
- bluejay
- flycatcher
- goldfinch
- greenfinch
- honeyeater
- hoopoe
- lyrebird
- macaw
- magpie
- martin
- mockingbird
- song thrush
- sparrow
- squab
- starling
- swift
in thegameofbaseball, anactby thebatterofhittingtheballfairlyslowlyand only ashortdistance, to put it into apositionthatcausesdifficultiesfor thefielders(= theplayerson theteamwhoseturnit is tothrowandcatchtheball), andhelpsthe batter's ownteamtoscore:
Infieldersstruggledwith Gray'sskilfulbunting.
- There was another round ofbullpensandpitchers'fieldingpracticeandhittingand bunting.
- TheJapaneseplay"smallball", astyleemphasizingbunting,stealing,sacrificehitting, andteamharmony.
Baseball & rounders
- at batidiom
- ballgame
- ballplayer
- base hit
- bases
- beat
- chopper
- doctor
- fish
- flare
- foul
- frame
- peg
- shag
- shortstop
- slugger
- sock
- stickball
- strike
- strike out(somewhere)