adjective[after verb],adverb
without otherpeople:
单独(的),独自(的);孤独的(地),无伴的(地)Helikesbeing alone in thehouse.他喜欢自己一个人呆在家里。
Do you likelivingalone?你喜欢独居吗?
At last, we're alone together(= there are just the two of us here).终于,我们可以享受二人世界了。
The Swedes arenotaloneinfindingtheirlanguageunderpressurefrom thespreadofEnglish.感受到自己国家的母语面临着英语广泛使用压力的不仅仅是瑞典人。
I don't like the man and I'mnotalonein that(= otherpeopleagree).我不喜欢那个人,而且并不是我一个人这样觉得。
not with others
- aloneYou can tell me your secret - I think we're alone.
- (all) on your ownI like living on my own.
- on your lonesomeUKSure, you can play the game on your lonesome, but it's more fun with friends.
- on your todUKAh, your family's gone and left you on your tod, have they?
- unaccompaniedTo everyone's great surprise, she arrived at the ball unaccompanied.
- solitaryHe was a solitary child who preferred reading a book to football.
- It'sinexcusablethat suchyoungchildrenwereleftin thehousealone.
- Go away andleaveme alone!
- I got theimpressionthat they'dratherbe alone.
- Itappearsthat sheleftthepartyalone.
- You'remadtowalkhomealone at thistimeofnight.
- abandoned
- alienate
- alienated
- apart
- be cast awayidiom
- herself
- himself
- lone wolf
- lonely
- loner
- lonesome
- minority
- shut
- shutsomeoneaway
- sole
- solely
- solitude
- solo
- stag
- themselves
Alone,lonely, orlonesome?
Alone is an adjective and an adverb meaning that no other person is with you. When we use alone as an adjective, it never comes before the noun (predicative adjective):…Aloneorlonely?
Alone is an adjective and an adverb meaning that no other person is with you. When we use alone as an adjective, it never comes before the noun (predicative adjective):…Lonesome
In American English, lonesome means the same as lonely:…alone
adjective[after noun]
without anyothers:
唯一,仅仅,只有She aloneneedstodecidewhat to do(= no oneelsecan do it for her).她必须自己决定做什么。
Thesefactsalone(=evenif nothingelseisconsidered)show that he's not to betrusted.仅凭这些事实就可以看出他这个人不可信。
He won't get thejobthroughcharmalone(= he will need somethingelse).仅凭个人魅力他是不会得到这份工作的。
Theairfarealone would use up all mymoney, nevermindthehotelbills.光买飞机票就会让我分文不剩,更别说住旅馆了。
Price alone is not areliableindicatorofquality.价格本身并不能准确反映质量。
- Words alone cannotconveytheuntoldmiseryenduredbypeoplein theserefugeecamps.
- Hetrulybelieveshe cancurehimself bywillpoweralone.
- Is it moredemocratictoholdareferendum,ratherthanletthegovernmentalonedecide?
- Theseproblemsmight not besolvedbymoneyalone, but they willassuredlynot besolvedwithout it.
- Thisyearalone eightpoliceofficershave beenkilledin thelineofduty.
Numbers: single, double & multiple
- bilateral
- bilaterally
- bipartite
- bipolar
- deka-
- double-action
- dual
- dualism
- himself
- individual
- lone
- multiple
- plural
- purely
- solitary
- trilateral
- trilaterally
- tripartite
- unilaterally
- unit
Alone,lonely, orlonesome?
Alone is an adjective and an adverb meaning that no other person is with you. When we use alone as an adjective, it never comes before the noun (predicative adjective):…Aloneorlonely?
Alone is an adjective and an adverb meaning that no other person is with you. When we use alone as an adjective, it never comes before the noun (predicative adjective):…Lonesome
In American English, lonesome means the same as lonely:…