uk/ˈkæk.təs/us/ˈkæk.təs/pluralcactiuk/ˈkæk.taɪ/us/ˈkæk.taɪ/cactusesany of manytypesofdesertplant, usually withsharpspines(=longpoints)andthickstemsforstoringwater:
The only thing thatgrowshere is anoccasionalsagebushor cactus.
Spectaculargiantcactistandon thehillside.

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- Probably the mostfamousdesertplantis the cactus.
- Thecourtyardsof thehousearefullof cactuses andcagesoftropicalbirds.
- Thisvolcanicmountainis thehomeof cacti,lizards, andflightlessbirdsthat havebecomeextincteverywhereelseonearth.
- Therestaurantispaintedincolourfulshadesanddecoratedwith cacti and otherMexicansymbols.
Common plants
- African violet
- agave
- aloe
- aloe vera
- anise
- crabgrass
- deadly nightshade
- fenugreek
- fern
- ficus
- poinsettia
- pot plant
- prickly pear
- Queen Anne's lace
- rubber plant
- turves
- Venus flytrap
- wheat
- wheatgrass
- yucca