mainlyUKinformaldisapprovinguk/ˈkædʒ.ər/us/ˈkædʒ.ɚ/apersonwhotriesto get something from someoneelsewithoutpayingfor it:
Watch out - he’s a cadger who willborrowanything you have and neverreturnit.
- There’s a cadger in myclasswho never has apen- noteventhe one he took from youyesterday.
- Thepeopleon thestreetwere cadgers of allsortsandconditions.
- My Dad had too manyfriendswho were cadgers, moochers, andsharks.
- Ifoundherirritating: a cadger and aningrate.
Dishonest people
- birther
- charmer
- cheat
- cheater
- deceiver
- fibber
- humbug
- hustler
- hypocrite
- knave
- liar
- perjurer
- profiteer
- rigger
- ringer
- scammer
- trickster
- wheeler-dealer
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Inheriting & bequeathing