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单词 capacity


thetotalamountthat can becontainedorproduced, or (especiallyof apersonororganization) theabilityto do aparticularthing
Thestadiumhas aseatingcapacity of 50,000.这个体育场能容纳5万人。
Thegamewaswatchedby a capacitycrowd/audienceof 50,000(= theplacewascompletelyfull).比赛场座无虚席,5万观众观看了比赛。
She has agreatcapacityforhardwork.她特别能吃苦耐劳。
Thepurchaseof 500tanksispartof astrategytoincreasemilitarycapacity by 25percentover the next fiveyears.购买500辆坦克是在今后5年里将军事力量增加25%的战略计划的一部分。
[+ to infinitive]Itseemsto bebeyondhis capacityto(= heseemsto beunableto)followsimpleinstructions.他好像连简单的指令也听不懂。
Do youthinkit'swithinhis capacityto(= do youthinkhe'll beableto)do thejobwithout making amessof it?你认为他有能力完成这项工作而不把它搞砸吗?
Thegeneratorseach have a capacityof(= canproduce)1,000kilowatts.每台发电机都有1000千瓦的发电能力。
Thelargercarshavebiggercapacityengines(= theenginesarebiggerand morepowerful).大轿车引擎功率也比较大。
Allourfactoriesareworkingat(full)capacity(= areproducinggoodsasfastaspossible).我们所有的工厂都在满负荷运行。
We arerunningbelowcapacity(= notproducingas manygoodsas we areableto)because ofcancelledorders.因为订单取消,我们的工厂开工不足。
Hesufferedastrokein 2008, whichlefthimunabletospeak, but hismentalcapacity(= hisabilitytothinkandremember)wasn'taffected.2008年他得了中风,不能说话了,但是思维能力没有受影响。
More examples
  • She had animmensecapacity forlove.
  • Helackedthe capacity tolisten.
  • The last fiveyearshaveseenahugeincreasein the country'sexportcapacity.
  • Thecompanyhasexpandeditspremiseswith a new 10,000 sq ftfactoryandplanstodoublecapacity.
  • They aretryingtooperatebeyond the capacity of theairport.


Sheguidestouristsat the Martin Luther King Jr. Birth Home in her capacityasa National Park Serviceranger.作为国家公园管理局的管理员,她陪同游客参观马丁·路德·金的出生地。
She wasspeakingin her capacityasanovelist,ratherthan as atelevisionpresenter.她是作为小说家而不是电视节目主持人在发言。


A second important benefit of dreaming is to maintain cognitive capacities such as encoding perceptions, making decisions, and planning actions.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Hand-written annotations and automated calculations are given a complementarity status as they contribute to a process of a heightening of listening capacities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In indigenous thought, full ' this-worldly ' personhood implied bodily capacities, not as an aspect of itself but as the precondition to enter and sustain social relationships.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Further, the language of local institutional development uses notions like animation, motivation, or catalysts which convey the idea of retrieval of latent community capacities.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We note that the reform countries differ in size and production structure suggesting different capacities in goods delivery and absorption.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Indeed, experience and rational calculation might well build on the kind of evolved capacities that concern us here.
From theCambridge English Corpus
One conclusion from this is that economic security is a key determinant of planning and this means that people have different capacities to plan.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The provision of basic social rights is subject to the capacities of governments to raise the necessary resources for effectively running social programmes.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The disruptive capacities of genetics illuminate contemporary thinking about race.
From theCambridge English Corpus
What if any were the linguistic capacities of antecedent species?
From theCambridge English Corpus
Consequently, some living beings exercise their capacities for reproduction; other living beings do not need to, since they are everlasting.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Along with its emphasis on local capacities and resilience, this volume tends to view donors, international organisations and global processes with scepticism.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The capacities of reconfiguration are obviously linked to the results of fault detection and isolation algorithms.
From theCambridge English Corpus
An agent's cognitive capacities enable her both to receive and process information.
From theCambridge English Corpus
What it is possible for an agent to know is constrained in crucial part by the cognitive capacities with which she is endowed.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withcapacity.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

absorption capacity
The realized pollution is determined jointly by the demand for polluting rights or environmental absorption capacity and the supply of these rights.
From theCambridge English Corpus
adaptive capacity
Societal changes, however, have undermined certain aspects ofadaptivecapacity, made others obsolete, and have resulted in emerging vulnerabilities in certain sections of the community.
From theCambridge English Corpus
additional capacity
As additional capacity is added-more synthesis and imaging procedures- marginal costs will again remain relatively fixed until full capacity is again reached.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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