cape gooseberry
(alsoCape gooseberry)uk/ˌkeɪp ˈɡʊz.bər.i/us/ˌkeɪp ˈɡʊz.ber.i/asmallorangefruitthatlookslike asmalltomatoand thatgrowssurroundedby light-brown, paper-likeleaves:
You coulddipfruitsuch ascapegooseberries,strawberries, orchunksofbananaorpineappleintomeltedchocolate.
The Capegooseberryis not atruegooseberry.

Eisenhut and Mayer Wien/Photolibrary/GettyImages
- It was atuniversitythat Iatecapegooseberriesfor the firsttime.
- If you have agreenhouseyou couldgrowanotherunusualcrop, the Capegooseberry.
- Tomatillos aremembersof the nightshadefamilyand aresmallgreenfruitsresemblingthetomatobutrelatedto the Capegooseberry.
- He made acapegooseberryconserveto beservedwith abananaandpoppyseedupsidedowncakewhich hadhalvedcapegooseberriesplacedin thebottom.
Types of fruit
- ackee
- alligator pear
- amla
- angelica
- açaí
- cooking apple
- copra
- crab apple
- cranberry
- cucumber
- lingonberry
- litchi
- loganberry
- longan
- loquat
- prickly pear
- prune
- pumpkin
- quince
- raisin