uk/ˈɔːl.tər//ˈɒl.tər/us/ˈɑːl.tɚ/astructurewith aflattop, oftenshapedlike atable, that is used in somereligiousceremonies, forexampleas aplaceto putimportantreligiousobjects:
TheancientEgyptianserectedaltars to Isis.

George Pachantouris/Moment/GettyImages
the altar
the altar in aChristianchurch, used as a way of referring to theceremonyofmarriage:
Manycouplesappearto be in norushtoheadtothe altar.
She had afiancéwholeftheratthe altar(=decidednot tomarryher just before, or during, thewedding)and she neverconsideredanother man again.
She was stillyoungwhen she wasledtothe altar.
- Astoneblockthatservedas an altarstoodat thefrontof thetemple.
- Beforeeating, it iscustomarytoofferapartof everymealon the altar.
Parts of religious buildings
- apse
- belfry
- bell tower
- chancel
- chancery
- confessional
- crypt
- flying buttress
- font
- gargoyle
- holy of holies
- pew
- pulpit
- rood screen
- rose window
- sacristy
- sanctuary
- transept
- vault
- vestry
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