astructurethat goes underwateror undergroundandkeepswaterout, used inbuildingandrepairingthings such asbridges:
(水下作业用的)沉箱Thetowerrestson caissonsreachingdown 110feetintobedrock.塔身建于沉箱之上,而沉箱位于110英尺深的水下基岩上。
![picture of caisson picture of caisson](
duncan1890/DigitalVision Vectors/Getty Images /GettyImages
- Thousands ofpeopleworkedon the Brooklyn Bridge. Manybodiesareburiedunderneaththose caissons.
- Thefoundationwork, whichinvolvesdrilling34steelandconcretecaissons, isexpectedto take ayear.
- 190,000cubicyardsofconcretewent into the bridge'sanchorages, caissons,towersandhighwayapproaches.
- The JeffersonMemorialwasbuiltin the late 1930s and early 1940satoppilings and caissonssunkinto anartificialmudflatthat is about 100feetdeep.
Civil engineering in general
- built environment
- civil engineer
- civil engineering
- engineer
- geotechnical
- geotechnology
- landscape
- planner
- planning
- planning permission
- purpose-built
- reclamation
- redevelop
- redevelopment
- subsea
- surveyor
- town planner
- town planning
- trig point
- urbanized
in the past, alargeboxor avehiclepulledby ahorse, used forcarryingammunition(=bullets, etc.)neededfor abattle
(旧时的)弹药箱![picture of caisson picture of caisson](
NoDerog/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- A caisson is thehorse-drawnvehiclethatoncecarriedammunitioninbattleandcarriescoffinsafterward.
- There were caissonsloadedwithcartridges,musketballsandflints.
- Forofficersof therankofcolonelorhigher, ariderlesshorsefollowsthe caisson to the gravesite.
- Thedeadcarriedfrom thebattlefieldon a caisson werecoveredwith aflag.