cake server
USuk/ˈkeɪk ˌsɜː.vər/us/ˈkeɪk ˌsɝː.vɚ/(UKcake slice)akitchentoolthat has awide,flatbladewith one endnarrowerthan the other, and ahandleattached, used forcuttingandliftingpiecesofcake:
Serve thecakeusing aprettyplateandsilvercakeserver.

VictorH11iS/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- A Tiffanysterlingsilvercakeserveradornedwithpurpletulipswasactuallystolenfrom theweddingreception.
- Theseelegantcakeserversareperfectforweddingsandspecialoccasions.
- ThestoreisfullofFrenchsouptureensandmonogrammedsilvercakeservers.
- Tohostafternoonteaintruestyle, you needsugarbowls,milkjugs,cakeforks,teaspoonsandcakeservers.
Kitchen utensils
- bain-marie
- bakeware
- baller
- beater
- bottle opener
- coddler
- colander
- cookie cutter
- cookware
- corer
- palette knife
- parer
- paring knife
- pastry blender
- peeler
- spreader
- squeezer
- tin opener
- tine
- toasting fork