uk/ˈkeə.fəl.nəs/us/ˈker.fəl.nəs/thequalityof giving a lot ofattentionto what you are doing so that you do not have anaccident, make amistake, ordamagesomething:
仔细,细心,小心It isevidentfrom hernotesthat shereadwithgreatcarefulness.从她的笔记中可以看出,她读得很仔细。
The carefulness of hisanswermade himseemevasive.他小心翼翼的回答显得有些支支吾吾吾。
- Weexpectcarefulness andthoroughnessfromourcleaningstaff. We do notwantbreakages.
- Inoticedher carefulness not to use the word "failure".
- Hisextravagancecontrastedwith her carefulness withmoney.
- the carefulness andprecisionoftheirmovements
Cautious and vigilant
- abundance
- an abundance of cautionidiom
- askance
- attentive
- attentively
- conservatively
- diligence
- diligent
- discreet
- due diligence
- meticulous
- meticulously
- meticulousness
- mindful
- minutely
- sedulous
- sedulously
- slowly
- super-cautious
- super-conservative