care label
uk/ˈkeə ˌleɪ.bəl/us/ˈker ˌleɪ.bəl/asmallpieceofmaterialattachedtoclothingor to somethingelsemade ofcloth, withinstructionson how tocleanandcarefor it:
(缝在衣物上的)洗烫须知标签,护理标签Look at thecarelabelfirst toseeif thecurtainsarewashable.先看一下洗烫须知标签,看看窗帘是否可以水洗。
If it's anaturalfabricyou coulddyeit in thewashingmachine-followtheinstructionson thecarelabel.如果是天然织物,用洗衣机洗时可能会染色——按照护理标签上的说明做吧。
- On a garment'scarelabel, what does acirclesymbolmean?
- According to thecarelabel, it has to bedry-cleaned.
- Theprocessis notsuitableforlinedclothessuch assuitswhichbearthecarelabel"Do nottumbledry".
- Thecompanyis to re-labelitsclothingrangestoincludethe words "Think Climate - Wash at 30°C" on thegarmentcarelabels.
- Beforetacklingstainsonupholstery,checkthecarelabelsortagson thefurniture.
Cleaning clothes
- airer
- boil
- cleaner
- clothes brush
- clothes horse
- clothes peg
- conditioner
- delouse
- iron box
- ironing
- ironing board
- launder
- launderer
- spin-dryer
- starch
- steam iron
- trouser press
- tumble dryer
- unironed
- washing machine