come fromsomewhere/sth
—phrasal verbwithcomeverbuk/kʌm/us/kʌm/came|come
to beborn, got from, or made in aparticularplace
She comes from Italy.她是意大利人。
Some of thebestwinescome from France.上等的葡萄酒中有些产自法国。
Does thatquotecome from Shakespeare?那句话出自莎士比亚吗?
She couldhearbangingcoming from theroomupstairs.她听到楼上的房间传来砰砰的响声。
Where will themoneyfor theprojectcome from?项目的资金从何而来?
- He's American but hisfamilycome/comes from Ireland.
- They come from aprivileged/wealthybackground.
- The twopassengertrainsinvolvedin theaccidenthad both come fromsouthwestLondon.
- Hisfamilyoriginallycame from Ireland, butresettledin the US in the 19thcentury.
- I couldhearloudsnorescoming from Jim'sbedroom.