Amber Alert
US(alsoAmber alert,AMBER alert)uk/ˌæm.bər əˈlɜːt/us/ˌæm.bɚ əˈlɝːt/apublicannouncementorwarningthat achildhasdisappearedand isthoughtto have been taken by someone:
(宣布或警告有儿童失踪的)安珀警戒,安珀警报An Amber Alert wasissuedfor a 13-year-oldgirlwho wasreportedabducted.安珀警戒系统发出警报,一名13岁的女孩遭绑架失踪。
Adescriptionof histruckwasbroadcastin an Amberalert.安珀警戒系统发出的警报中描述了他卡车的样子。
- On thatoccasion,rulesdid notallowissuingan Amber Alert, because she wasvoluntarilymissing.
- As a Tulsapoliceofficer, heparticipatedin the first Amber Alert in Tulsa, whichresultedin thesuccessfulrecoveryof twochildren.
- The man whoabductedherlether go when heheardan AMBERalerton theradiodescribinghisvehicle.
- Manymissingchildcasesdo notmeetAmberalertcriteria.
- Virginiahas had astateAmber Alertsystemsince 2002.
Emergency services in general
- 911
- 999
- aid station
- air drop
- air-dash
- ambulancewoman
- blue-light
- coastguard
- cobra
- drop
- ice
- lifeguard
- lockdown
- marshal
- Mayday
- rescue
- Silver Alert
- siren
- the RAC