(anexampleof) thefactof something having more than onepossiblemeaningandthereforepossiblycausingconfusion:
模棱两可,意义含糊不清Wewishtoremoveany ambiguityconcerningourdemands.对于我们的要求,我们不希望有任何含糊其词的地方。
There are some ambiguities in thelegislation.该法规中有一些含混不清的地方。
- There is some ambiguity in theBiblestory, and it has beeninterpretedin differentways.
- Thelawought to betightenedtoavoidany ambiguity.
- Is he now saying that he's infavourof going towar? Hisstatementisfullof ambiguity.
- Let me say this, toavoidany ambiguity, - I am notleavingmywife.
- Be aspreciseaspossibleinyouranswer, so that there is no ambiguity.
Difficult to understand
- abstruse
- ambiguous
- ambiguously
- antinomy
- arcane
- fathomless
- garble
- get it into your thick headidiom
- impalpable
- impenetrable
- impenetrably
- indiscernible
- lost
- non-intuitive
- obscurely
- obscurity
- oracular
- prolix
- wasted onsomeoneidiom
- word salad