asmallelectronicdevicethat is used for doingcalculations:
计算器You maybringa calculator into theexam.

Maria Kovalets/EyeEm/GettyImages
apieceofsoftware, afeatureon awebsite, etc., thathelpsyou tocalculateaparticularamountthatrelatestoyoursituation:
There are calculatorsonlinethat show you howlongit will take topayoff credit-carddebt.
Click thislinktofindaflightcarbonemissioncalculator.
- This was one of the firstprogrammablecalculators from the 1970s.
- Do thesumsinyourhead, then use a calculator tocheckyouranswers.
- We have aparentalcontributionscalculator thathelpsyouworkout how much you will have topay.
Measuring, weighing, & counting devices
- -scopic
- detector
- dial
- dipstick
- fitness tracker
- gage
- gamma counter
- gamma meter
- gauge
- gradation
- hydrograph
- indicator
- manometer
- micrometer
- probe
- smart meter
- straight edge
- tracker
- voltmeter
- weather balloon
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Calculations & calculating