call verb (NAME )
B1 [T + obj + noun ] to give someone or something aname, or toknoworaddresssomeone by aparticularname:
给…取名,给…命名;称呼 They've called thetwinsEdward and Thomas. 他们给双胞胎取名为爱德华和托马斯。
What's thatactorcalled that wesawin thefilmlastnight? 我们昨晚在电影里看到的那个演员叫什么名字?
Hisrealnameis Jonathan, but they've always called him Johnny. 他的真名叫乔纳森,但他们总是叫他“约翰尼”。
What's her newnovelcalled? 她的新小说叫什么名字?
Iwishhe wouldn'tkeepcalling me "dear" - it's sopatronizing! 我希望他不要老是叫我“亲爱的”——太居高临下了!
callsomeone names
C2 If aperson,especiallyachild, calls someonenames, theyaddressthatpersonwith anamethat isintendedto beoffensive:
Tom'sworriedthat if hewearsglassesatschoolthe otherchildrenwill call himnames. 汤姆担心如果他在学校戴眼镜会被其他孩子取笑。
See more Marsis sometimes called theRedPlanet because ofitsdistinctivecolour. Ithinkhe was called Blake, if Iremembercorrectly. He was mostunciviltoyourfather- called him anoldfool. What have theydecidedto calltheirnewbaby? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesNames and titles
A.N. Other age aka alias appellation forename form of address given name good name identity patronymic pen name pet name place name pseudonym trade name trademark under the name of idiom unidentified unnamed See more results »
call verb (PHONE )
A2 [I orT ] to use aphonetotalkto someone:
打电话 He called (you) lastnightwhen you were out. 昨晚你不在时,他(给你)打过电话。
She called (me) thismorningat theofficeand we had abriefchat. 今天早上她打电话到我的办公室,我们简短地闲聊了会儿。
I've been calling allmorningbut I can't get through. 我一早上都在打电话,可是没打通。
Do youthinkwe should call thepolice? 你觉得我们应该报警吗?
call collect US (also reverse (the) charges )
to make aphonecall that ispaidfor by thepersonwhoreceivesit:
打对方付费电话 She got hisphonenumberfrom anotherinmateand calledcollect.
See more If I'm nothomewhen you call,leaveamessageon themachine. I gave him mynumberand hepromisedto call me. Probably thebestthing to do is to call them before you go. Itriedcalling you but thelinewasbusy. You could always call Susie andseeif she mightbabysit. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommunications - by telephone
3G 4G 5G aeroplane mode airplane mode area code autodial dialling tone Directory Enquiries helpline off the hook idiom phone mast pick picksomeone/something up pocket dial prank caller ring roam telecoms telephone See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Communicating & keeping in touch
call verb (CONSIDER )
[T + obj + noun ] toconsidersomeone or something to be:
称…为;把…看作 Heknowsa lot ofpeople, but only one or two that he'd callclosefriends. 他认识很多人,但他称之为亲密朋友的只有一两个。
Onesandwichand alettuceleaf- I don't call that ameal! 一个三明治和一片生菜叶——我可不把那叫一顿饭!
I'm not calling you aliar- I'm justsuggestingthat youmisunderstoodthefactsof thesituation. 我没说你在撒谎——我只是提醒一下,你误解了实际情形。
callsomething your own
toconsidersomething asbelongingto you:
认为…是自己的 I don't aspire to anything verygrand- I justwantaplaceI can call my own. 我不奢望特别气派的东西——我只想拥有一个属于我自己的地方。
See more SomepeoplecallEnglishamongrellanguagebecause it is amixtureofoldGermanandFrench. How can you call thosebarbariansyourfriends? It's asuburbof Manchester really - I wouldn't call it Manchesterproper. He'squiteattractivebut not what I'd callgorgeous. He had a fewtuftsofhairon hischin, but you couldhardlycall it abeard. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesGuessing, supposing and suspecting
approximate as much idiom conjecture consider deem draw fall guess hazard hypothesize imagine jump jump to conclusions idiom marksomeone down assomething misjudge presumptive presuppose speculate surmise think ofsomething See more results »
call verb (SHOUT/CRY )
B1 [I orT ] to say something in aloudvoice,especiallyinordertoattractsomeone'sattention, or (ofanimals) to make aloud, highsound,especiallyto anotheranimal:
叫,呼喊;呼叫;(动物)鸣叫 Someone in thecrowdcalled(out) hisname. 人群中有人大声叫(出)他的名字。
Did you call? 是你在叫吗?
[+ speech ] "Hey, you! Come over here!" she called. “嗨,你!到这儿来!”她叫道。
Theblackbirdcalledto itsmate. 乌鸫呼唤它的配偶。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto shout
shoutThere's no need to shout, I can hear you just fine. yell"What are you doing?" he yelled. bellow"Listen to me!" he bellowed. hollerUS She came running inside, hollering about being chased by a bear. call"I'm up here," he called. See more results »
call for order (also callsomeone/something to order )
toaskpeoplein ameetingtostoptalkingso that themeetingcancontinue:
要求(会场)安静下来,要求别吵 She called fororder/called themeetingtoorder. 她要求会场安静下来。
See more
[T ] in Americanfootball, to say what the nextplay will be:
Thecoachcalls theplays from thesideline.
[T ] US todescribeasportsgameas it ishappening,especiallyonradioortelevision:
She sometimes calls out in hersleep. IthoughtIheardyou call fromupstairs. I called to her but she didn'thearme. "We're over here!" she called. IthoughtIheardsomeone call myname. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesShouting & screaming
barracking bawl bellow burst burst out call (something ) out clamour cry cry out ejaculate givesomeone a shout idiom holler howl lung shout shouty squawk the hairdryer treatment thunder whoop See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
American football
Broadcasting in general
call verb (ASK TO COME )
C1 [I orT ] toasksomeone to come to you:
叫来;召,召唤 She called meover to where she wassitting. 她把我叫到了她坐着的地方。
Ikeepthebedroomdooropenincasethechildrencall(for) me in thenight. 我让卧室门开着,以防孩子们晚上叫我。
I was calledto anemergencymeetingthismorning. 我今早被叫去参加一个紧急会议。
Atschoolshe was always being calledinto the headteacher'soffice. 在学校时,她总是被叫到校长办公室去。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesto ask someone to come to you
callThe children called for him at night. call outPlease avoid calling out the doctor unless it is an emergency. send forSomeone has already sent for a doctor. summonI was summoned to the headmaster's office. summonsIf you are summonsed and do not attend court, you may be found guilty of contempt of court. hailShe walked to the corner and hailed a cab. See more results »
IthoughtIheardmydaughtercalling for me. He was called to thephone. She called me over andshowedme thereport. You can't just callpeopleacrosstheofficeandexpectthem to comerunning! He called me into hisofficeandaskedme toexplainmydecision. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesInviting & summoning
ask asksomeone in asksomeone out call (something ) out callsomeone in convene convoke invitation invite invitesomeone in invitesomeone over invitee plus one recall resummon send forsomeone shout shout onsomeone summons uninvited See more results »
call verb (VISIT )
[I ] tovisitsomeone,especiallyfor ashorttime:
(尤指短暂的)拜访,造访 Theelectricianmust have called(round) thismorningwhen we were out - there's anoteon thedoormat. 今天上午我们出去的时候电工一定来过了——门垫上留了张字条。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesVisiting
attraction beard the lion (inhis/her den) idiom been call (in) onsomeone call by come round exchange happen along/by(somewhere) haunt homestay house-to-house look around(somewhere/something) pay pop stop stop by(somewhere) stop in stop offsomewhere stop over swing by/past(something) See more results »
call verb (DECIDE ON )
C1 [T ] todecideofficiallyto have aparticulareventor takeparticularaction:
决定召开(或举行) Themanagingdirectorhas calledameeting todiscusspaylevels. 总经理决定召开会议商讨工资标准。
Thepapersarepredictingthat theprimeministerwill callanelection in thespring. 报纸预言首相将宣布在春季举行大选。
It'sreckonedthat theunionswill callastrike ifmanagementwill notagreetotheirdemands. 如果管理层不同意他们的要求,预计工会将发动罢工。
They had to callahaltto (= end) thematchbecause of theheavyrain. 因为下大雨,他们不得不中止了比赛。
[T ] If asportsofficialcalls something, they make adecisionabout anactionby aplayeror about ashot (= akick,hit, orthrowof theball) :
[+ obj + adv ] Thelinejudgecalled theballout .
The thirdbaseumpirecalled Nixon out at third.
Baseballumpiresstill callballsandstrikes.
[T ] Incricket , if anumpire (=official) calls abowler (= theplayerthrowingtheball) , theydecidethat they havebowled ano-ball (=throwntheballin a way that is notallowed) :
Theumpirecalled himfor throwing.
Theumpirecalled Waqarfor a second over-shoulder-highbouncerto Smith in his next over.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesManaging and organizing
admin administer administration anti-bureaucracy bronze command fixsomething up fixer get up getyour act together idiom gold command mobilize mount paperwork party planner party planning project-manage rationalization rationalize scrum vice-presidential See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Refereeing & judging in sport
Idioms callsomeone's bluff
callyour shot
call a spade a spade
call into question
call it a day
call it a night
call it quits
call the shots
something is callingyou
Phrasal verbs call back
callsomeone back
call by
call forsomeone
call forsomething
call forthsomething
callsomeone in
callsomething in
callsomeone /something off
callsomething off
call (in) onsomeone
call onsomeone
call onsomething
call (something ) out
callsomeone out
callsomeone up
callsomething up
call noun (PHONE )
A2 [C ] theactof using thephone:
通话;打电话 I got a callfrom anoldcollegefriendlastnight. 昨晚我接到了一位大学老友的电话。
If there are any callsfor me, could you write them down next to thephone? 如果有我的电话,你能在电话边记一下吗?
I've just got acoupleof calls tomake . 我正要打几个电话。
Thatdecoratoryou called aboutpaintingthehouse- did heeverreturn yourcall? 为粉刷房子的事你打电话找的那个油漆工——他给你回过电话了吗?
Theradiostationreceived a lot of callscomplainingabout the show'sbadlanguage. 广播电台接到很多电话,投诉那个节目用语污秽。
Before six o'clock, calls arechargedatpeakrate. 6点之前,拨打电话按高峰费率收费。
Will youexcuseme? I've got to make aphonecall. Thephonecompanywereunabletotracethe call. Pleaseconfineyouruse of thephonetobusinesscalls. He told mybossthat I'd been makinglong-distancecalls atwork! We had to make five calls totechnicalsupportjust to get the newcomputerworking. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesCommunications - by telephone
3G 4G 5G aeroplane mode airplane mode area code autodial dialling tone Directory Enquiries helpline off the hook idiom phone mast pick picksomeone/something up pocket dial prank caller ring roam telecoms telephone See more results »
call noun (ANIMAL )
B1 [C ] thesoundananimalmakes or thesoundof someoneshoutingsomething:
叫声;呼喊,呼叫;(动物的)鸣叫声 Thewhalehas a verydistinctivecall. 鲸的叫声很特别。
She couldhearcallsforhelp from inside theburningbuilding. 她能听到从燃烧的大楼里传出的呼救声。
I'll be in the nextroom, sogive me a call if you need anyhelp. 我会在隔壁房间,需要帮助就叫我。
IthoughtIhearda call from thebedroom. the wolf's call the call of thebrownowl Could you give me a call when hearrives? Was that a call forhelp? SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesShouting & screaming
barracking bawl bellow burst burst out call (something ) out clamour cry cry out ejaculate givesomeone a shout idiom holler howl lung shout shouty squawk the hairdryer treatment thunder whoop See more results »
call noun (DEMAND )
[U ] thefactofpeoplewantingorneedingaparticularthing:
需求,需要 There'snot much callfor furcoatsthesedays. 现在人们对毛皮大衣的需求量不大。
formal Icertainlydon'tthinkthere's any callfor thatsortoflanguage,younglady! 我的确认为没有必要说那样的话,小姐!
C1 [C ] ademandfor something tohappen:
呼吁,号召;要求 Management have sofarignoredthe union's callsfor strictersafetyregulations. 迄今为止管理层一直无视工会对加强安全规章的呼吁。
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examplesthe act of asking for something
requestHer request for information was denied. applicationHis application for bail was granted. appealThe leader made an appeal for unity. callWith calls for action mounting, policymakers are beginning to pay attention. demandWe will never give in to terrorists’ demands. See more results »
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesFeelings of desire
appetite caprice carnality compulsion covetousness dream entitled hankering hunger impulse impulse buy impulse buying thirst urge vaulting whim whimsy wish yearning yen See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Making appeals & requests
call noun (VISIT )
C1 [C ] ashortvisit,especiallyanofficialone made by someone whosejobisconnectedwithhealth:
(尤指正式的)短暂拜访;(通常指医疗从业者的)出诊 Doctor Seward is outon a call thismorning. 苏厄德医生今天上午出诊去了。
Thenursehas got a few calls tomake thisafternoon. 护士今天下午有几次出诊。
old-fashioned IthoughtI'dpay a callon (=visit) anoldfriendof mine thisweekend. 我想这个周末去拜访一位老朋友。
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesVisiting
attraction beard the lion (inhis/her den) idiom been call (in) onsomeone call by come round exchange happen along/by(somewhere) haunt homestay house-to-house look around(somewhere/something) pay pop stop stop by(somewhere) stop in stop offsomewhere stop over swing by/past(something) See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Medical treatment: doctors & health workers generally
call noun (DECISION )
[C ] informal adecision:
决定,抉择 It was atoughcall , buteventuallyIdecidedto give up myjob. 尽管做这个决定很难,但我最终还是打算辞职。
ThedecisiontoextendArmytoursfrom oneyearto 15monthswas agood call .
Moreinvestment? That's got to beyourcall - you're the one that'spaying! 增加投资?这该由你来决定——毕竟你是付款人。
[C ] informal adecisionby asportsofficialabout anactionby aplayeror ashot (= athrow,hit, orkickof theball) :
At thestartof the second set, hechallengedaquestionablelinecall.
Therefsmade anumberofcontroversialcalls.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesDecisions and deciding
ascription balance be make or break forsomeone/something idiom be on the horns of a dilemma idiom choose clinch fish fix if/when it comes to the crunch idiom in the balance idiom judgment call judicial review make or breaksomething idiom resolution sleep top-down toss up unadjudicated unelected volition See more results »
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Refereeing & judging in sport
Grammar Thing andstuff
We use the general noun thing more commonly in speaking than in writing. …
We use the general noun thing more commonly in speaking than in writing. …
Stuff is one of the most common nouns in speaking. It is more informal than thing. It is not at all common in writing. …
Idioms call of nature
a close call
good call
on call
(Definition ofcall from theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
call verb (NAME )
B1 [T + obj + noun ] to give someone or something aname, or toknoworaddresssomeone by aparticularname
给…取名,给…命名;称呼 They've called thetwinsEdward and Thomas. 他们给双胞胎取名为爱德华和托马斯。
What's thatactorcalled that wesawin thefilmlastnight? 我们昨晚在电影里看到的那个演员叫什么名字?
Hisrealnameis Jonathan, but they've always called him Johnny. 他的真名叫乔纳森,但他们总是叫他“约翰尼”。
What's her newnovelcalled? 她的新小说叫什么名字?
Iwishhe wouldn'tkeepcalling me "dear" - it's sopatronizing! 我希望他不要老是叫我“亲爱的”——太居高临下了!
callsb names
C2 If aperson,especiallyachild, calls someonenames, he or sheaddressesthatpersonwith anamethat isintendedto beoffensive.
(尤指小孩的行为)谩骂…,辱骂… Tom'sworriedthat if hewearsglassesatschoolthe otherchildrenwill call himnames. 汤姆担心如果他在学校戴眼镜会被其他孩子取笑。
Marsis sometimes called theRedPlanet because ofitsdistinctivecolour. Ithinkhe was called Blake , if Iremembercorrectly. He was mostunciviltoyourfather- called him anoldfool. What have theydecidedto calltheirnewbaby? Themeatproducedfrom apigis calledpork,bacon, orham.
call verb (PHONE )
A2 [I orT ] to use aphonetotalkto someone
打电话 He called (you) lastnightwhen you were out. 昨晚你不在时,他(给你)打过电话。
She called (me) thismorningat theofficeand we had abriefchat. 今天早上她打电话到我的办公室,我们简短地闲聊了会儿。
I've been calling allmorningbut I can't get through. 我一早上都在打电话,可是没打通。
Do youthinkwe should call thepolice? 你觉得我们应该报警吗?
call collect US (US also andUK reverse (the) charges )
to make aphonecall that ispaidfor by thepersonwhoreceivesit
If I'm nothomewhen you call,leaveamessageon themachine. I gave him mynumberand hepromisedto call me. Probably thebestthing to do is to call them before you go. Itriedcalling you but thelinewasbusy. You could always call Susie andseeif she mightbabysit.
call verb (CONSIDER )
[T + obj + noun ] toconsidersomeone or something to be
称…为;把…看作 Heknowsa lot ofpeople, but only one or two that he'd callclosefriends. 他认识很多人,但他称之为亲密朋友的只有一两个。
Onesandwichand alettuceleaf- I don't call that ameal! 一个三明治和一片生菜叶——我可不把那叫一顿饭!
I'm not calling you aliar- I'm justsuggestingthat youmisunderstoodthefactsof thesituation. 我没说你在撒谎——我只是提醒一下,你误解了实际情形。
callsth your own
toconsidersomething asbelongingto you
认为…是自己的 I don't aspire to anything verygrand- I justwantaplaceI can call my own. 我不奢望特别气派的东西——我只想拥有一个属于我自己的地方。
SomepeoplecallEnglishamongrellanguagebecause it is amixtureofoldGermanandFrench. How can you call thosebarbariansyourfriends? It's asuburbof Manchester really - I wouldn't call it Manchesterproper. He'squiteattractivebut not what I'd callgorgeous. He had a fewtuftsofhairon hischin, but you couldhardlycall it abeard.
call verb (SHOUT/CRY )
B1 [I orT ] to say something in aloudvoice,especiallyinordertoattractsomeone'sattention, or (ofanimals) to make aloud, highsound,especiallyto anotheranimal
叫,呼喊;呼叫;(动物)鸣叫 Someone in thecrowdcalled(out) hisname. 人群中有人大声叫(出)他的名字。
Did you call? 是你在叫吗?
[+ speech ] "Hey, you! Come over here!" she called. “嗨,你!到这儿来!”她叫道。
Theblackbirdcalledto itsmate. 乌鸫呼唤它的配偶。
call for order (also callsth to order )
toaskpeoplein ameetingtostoptalkingso that themeetingcancontinue
要求(会场)安静下来,要求别吵 She called fororder/called themeetingtoorder. 她要求会场安静下来。
She sometimes calls out in hersleep. IthoughtIheardyou call fromupstairs. I called to her but she didn'thearme. "We're over here!" she called. IthoughtIheardsomeone call myname.
call verb (ASK TO COME )
C1 [I orT ] toasksomeone to come to you
叫来;召,召唤 She called meover to where she wassitting. 她把我叫到了她坐着的地方。
Ikeepthebedroomdooropenincasethechildrencall(for) me in thenight. 我让卧室门开着,以防孩子们晚上叫我。
I was calledto anemergencymeetingthismorning. 我今早被叫去参加一个紧急会议。
Atschoolshe was always being calledinto the headteacher'soffice. 在学校时,她总是被叫到校长办公室去。
IthoughtIheardmydaughtercalling for me. He was called to thephone. She called me over andshowedme thereport. You can't just callpeopleacrosstheofficeandexpectthem to comerunning! He called me into hisofficeandaskedme toexplainmydecision.
call verb (VISIT )
[I ] tovisitsomeone,especiallyfor ashorttime
(尤指短暂的)拜访,造访 Theelectricianmust have called(round) thismorningwhen we were out - there's anoteon thedoormat. 今天上午我们出去的时候电工一定来过了——门垫上留了张字条。
call verb (DECIDE ON )
C1 [T ] todecideofficiallyto have aparticulareventor takeparticularaction
决定召开(或举行) Themanagingdirectorhas calledameeting todiscusspaylevels. 总经理决定召开会议商讨工资标准。
Thepapersarepredictingthat theprimeministerwill callanelection in thespring. 报纸预言首相将宣布在春季举行大选。
It'sreckonedthat theunionswill callastrike ifmanagementwill notagreetotheirdemands. 如果管理层不同意他们的要求,预计工会将发动罢工。
They had to callahaltto (= end) thematchbecause of theheavyrain. 因为下大雨,他们不得不中止了比赛。
Idioms callsb's bluff
callyour shot
call a spade a spade
call into question
call it a day
call it a night
call it quits
call the shots
sth is callingyou
Phrasal verbs call back
callsb back
call by
call forsb
call forsth
call forthsth
callsb in
callsth in
callsb /sth off
callsth off
call (in) onsb
call onsb
call onsth
call (sth ) out
callsb out
callsb up
callsth up
call noun (PHONE )
A2 [C ] theactof using thephone
通话;打电话 I got a callfrom anoldcollegefriendlastnight. 昨晚我接到了一位大学老友的电话。
If there are any callsfor me, could you write them down next to thephone? 如果有我的电话,你能在电话边记一下吗?
I've just got acoupleof calls tomake . 我正要打几个电话。
Thatdecoratoryou called aboutpaintingthehouse- did heeverreturn yourcall? 为粉刷房子的事你打电话找的那个油漆工——他给你回过电话了吗?
Theradiostationreceived a lot of callscomplainingabout the show'sbadlanguage. 广播电台接到很多电话,投诉那个节目用语污秽。
Before six o'clock, calls arechargedatpeakrate. 6点之前,拨打电话按高峰费率收费。
Will youexcuseme? I've got to make aphonecall. Thephonecompanywereunabletotracethe call. Pleaseconfineyouruse of thephonetobusinesscalls. He told mybossthat I'd been makinglong-distancecalls atwork! We had to make five calls totechnicalsupportjust to get the newcomputerworking.
call noun (ANIMAL )
B1 [C ] thesoundananimalmakes or thesoundof someoneshoutingsomething
叫声;呼喊,呼叫;(动物的)鸣叫声 Thewhalehas a verydistinctivecall. 鲸的叫声很特别。
She couldhearcallsforhelp from inside theburningbuilding. 她能听到从燃烧的大楼里传出的呼救声。
I'll be in the nextroom, sogive me a call if you need anyhelp. 我会在隔壁房间,需要帮助就叫我。
IthoughtIhearda call from thebedroom. the wolf's call the call of thebrownowl Could you give me a call when hearrives? Was that a call forhelp?
call noun (DEMAND )
[U ] thefactofpeoplewantingorneedingaparticularthing
需求,需要 There'snot much callfor furcoatsthesedays. 现在人们对毛皮大衣的需求量不大。
formal Icertainlydon'tthinkthere's any callfor thatsortoflanguage,younglady! 我的确认为没有必要说那样的话,小姐!
C1 [C ] ademandfor something tohappen
呼吁,号召;要求 Management have sofarignoredthe union's callsfor strictersafetyregulations. 迄今为止管理层一直无视工会对加强安全规章的呼吁。
call noun (VISIT )
C1 [C ] ashortvisit,especiallyanofficialone made by someone whosejobisconnectedwithhealth
(尤指正式的)短暂拜访;(通常指医疗从业者的)出诊 Doctor Seward is outon a call thismorning. 苏厄德医生今天上午出诊去了。
Thenursehas got a few calls tomake thisafternoon. 护士今天下午有几次出诊。
old-fashioned IthoughtI'dpay a callon (=visit) anoldfriendof mine thisweekend. 我想这个周末去拜访一位老朋友。
call noun (DECISION )
决定,抉择 It was atoughcall , buteventuallyIdecidedto give up myjob. 尽管做这个决定很难,但我最终还是打算辞职。
Moreinvestment? That's got to beyourcall - you're the one that'spaying! 增加投资?这该由你来决定——毕竟你是付款人。
Grammar Thing andstuff
We use the general noun thing more commonly in speaking than in writing. …
We use the general noun thing more commonly in speaking than in writing. …
Stuff is one of the most common nouns in speaking. It is more informal than thing. It is not at all common in writing. …
Idioms call of nature
a close call
on call
call | American Dictionary
call verb (NAME )
[T ] to give someone or something aname, or toknoworaddresssomeone by aparticularname:
They can’tdecidewhether to calltheirnewbabyCarol or Alice.
Hisnameis Anthony, but everyone calls himTony.
call someone names
To call someonenamesis to userudeorinsultingwords todescribesomeone:
Politicianswastea lot oftimecalling each othernamesandcriticizingeach other.
call verb (TELEPHONE )
[I ] I called lastnightandleftamessage.
[T ] Jenny called me andinvitedus over for theweekend.
call someone collect
If you call someonecollect, youtelephonesomeone whoagreestopayfor thecostoftalkingto you
call verb (SAY )
[I/T ] to say something in aloudvoice,esp. inorderto get someone’sattention:
[T ] “Answer ‘Here!’ when I callyourname,” theteachersaid.
call the roll
If you call therollyoureadaloudthenamesof all thepeopleon alistto makecertainthat eachpersonispresent:
Theteachercalls therollat thebeginningof eachday.
call verb (ASK TO COME )
[I/T ] toasksomeone to come to you:
[I ] Iranto Jonathan assoonas Iheardhim call.
[T ] You’dbettercall anambulance.
[M ] Susan, would you call in the nextpatient,please?
call verb (CONSIDER )
[T ] toconsidersomeone or something to be something:
I wouldn’t call him afriend– he’s just someone Imet.
Theumpirecalled himsafeon acloseplay.
call verb (ASK FOR )
[T ] toaskfor ordemandsomething, or todecideofficiallyto have aparticularevent:
Themayorcalled ameetingoflocalorganizationstodiscussbudgetpriorities.
Idioms call a halt tosomething
call it a day
call it quits
call the shots
Phrasal verbs call back(someone)
call forsomeone
call forsomething
call forthsomething
call in
call insomeone
call offsomething
call onsomeone
call onsomeone
call out(something)
call outsomething
call up(someone)
call upsomeone
call noun (BEING ASKED TO COME )
[C ] avisitthat someone makes,esp. aspartof ajob:
Thelocksmithis out on a callrightnow.
on call
People whoworkinmedicineand otherimportantactivitiesare said to be on call when they areavailableto makevisitsor tospeakto someone on thetelephoneat anytime:
Dr. Menendez is on call for the next 24hours.
call noun (DECISION )
I really don’tknowwhat to do – it’syourcall.
call noun (CAUSE )
[U ] There’s no call for you to get soangry– I was justkidding.
call noun (SOUNDS )
[C ] aloudsoundmade by apersonoranimal:
Where wecamp, near theriver, you canhearthe call of thewolfalmosteverynight.
[C ] thecharacteristiccryof abird:
Studentstriedtoimitatethe calls oftheirfavoritebirds.
(Definition ofcall from theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
[I orT ] COMMUNICATIONS tophonesomeone:
I'lltellMr Baker you called. Would you like me topasson anymessage?
Please call us assoonaspossibleso that we canresolvethisissue.
call collect US (also reverse (the) charges )
COMMUNICATIONS to make aphonecall that ispaidfor by thepersonwhoreceivesit:
To callcollectfromoverseas, you need toreachaninternationaloperator.
[T ] toaskordemandthat aparticularactionshould be taken or that aparticulareventshouldhappen:
call an election/meeting/strike Anemergencymeetingof theboardwas called for the nextday.
call for order (also call sb/sth to order )
MEETINGS ,LAW toaskpeoplein ameetingorlawcourtto bequietso that themeetingorlegalactioncancontinue:
Thesenatorcalled the Judiciary Committeemeetingtoorder.
Adeputycalled fororderin thecourtroom.
(also call sth in ) to sayofficiallythatborrowedmoneymust bepaidback:
call (in) a debt/loan Thecontractgives thelendertherightto call aloanif theborrowersellstheproperty.
call (in) a bond
FINANCE topaybackmoneyto apersonororganizationholdingabond before thedatewhen thebondmatures (= when it wouldnormallybepaidback) :
Wheninterestratesplunge, acompanymaydecideto call abond.
[T ] toasksomeone to come to aplace:
call sb in/into/over He was called into a manager'sofficeand told that, after 26yearsofservice, he was nolongerneeded.
She called me over andaskedif I wasinterestedinapplyingfor thejob.
[I ] tovisitapersonorplacefor ashorttime:
Asalesmancalled at myhome.
[T ] informal to say that aparticulareventoractionwillhappenin thefuture:
Heclaimsto have called thedownturnin theeconomynearlyfouryearsago.
[T ] LAW to make someone say what theyknowabout asituation, in acourtoflawor to agovernmentofficialorgroup:
Thecommitteecancallwitnesses andcompelthem toanswerquestions.
Phrasal verbs call back
call (sb) back
call sth back
call for sth
call in
call sb in
call sth in
call sth off
call on/upon sb
call on/upon sth
[C ] COMMUNICATIONS anactofcommunicatingwith someone byphone:
a phone/telephone call I'mexpectingaphonecall from him thismorning.
a local/international/long-distance call Thecompanyisdroppinginternationalcallchargesto over 20countries.
make/place a call We're notallowedto makeprivatecalls atwork.
get/receive/take a call Thank you for taking my call.
return sb's call He wasbusywhen Icontactedhim and he didn'treturnmy calls.
See also cold-call
conference call
courtesy call
toll call
[C ] ashortvisit,especiallyone for aparticularorofficialpurpose:
pay a call on sb While I was in thearea, I took theopportunityofpayinga call on one of myclients.
[C ] ademandfor something tohappen:
a call for sth Yesterday there wererenewedcalls for achangein thelaw.
[C orU ] asituationin whichpeopleorbusinesseswantor need aparticularthing:
a call for/on sth Energyefficiencyandconservationcouldleadto areducedcall forexports.
no call for sth There is no call for such luxuries in thepresenteconomicclimate.
He wasfindingthat there were anumbersof calls on histimein his newrole.
[C ] STOCK MARKET ademandmade by acompanytoshareholdersforpaymentofmoneytheyoweforsharesfor which they havepaidonlypartof theprice:
Shareholdersreceivednoticeof a call of 40centspershareon allpartlypaid-upshares.
FINANCE ademandformoneythat isowedto bepaidback:
Yourloanmaycontainacallprovision if youfallbehind onyourpayments.
at/on call
FINANCE ,STOCK MARKET used todescribealoanthat must bepaidbackimmediatelyupon therequestof thefinancialorganizationlendingthemoney:
Manybankshavemoneymarketloansat call withdiscounthouses.
BANKING used todescribeabankaccountfrom which you can takemoneyout when youaskfor it:
Allouraccountsare at-callaccountsthatrequirenominimumdepositorbalance.
on call
HR availabletoworkwhenneeded:
He is on callround-the-clocktwoweekseachmonth.
(Definition ofcall from theCambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examplesof call call
A policy specifies what system calls are permitted, and the ways they can be used. From theCambridge English Corpus
Either way, spiral stairs lead to a common landing, called the parlour in plans. From theCambridge English Corpus
Nocall to care, finally, could be too mundane; what could be more ordinary than peeling an egg? From theCambridge English Corpus
He attempted to create architecture directly out of what he called 'nature's organic structural thoughts'. From theCambridge English Corpus
The main category is called organic and inorganic dust. From theCambridge English Corpus
The mapping between surface and lexical levels is reduced to a single functioncall and two simple conversions from text to binary, and vice versa. From theCambridge English Corpus
A random sample of patients with none of the above three co-morbid conditions (hereafter called the general group) was selected for comparison. From theCambridge English Corpus
His final curtaincall was the tumble he took off his toilet, naked and with the hypodermic needle still stuck in his arm. From theCambridge English Corpus
Extremists of this view, called 'instrumentalists', believe that all or most knowledge productivity will increase provided the right information systems are implemented. From theCambridge English Corpus
In particular, we must address the situation where we recursivelycall a tabled subgoal before we have fully tabled all its answers. From theCambridge English Corpus
The approach is a consequence of a new sequential tabling scheme based on dynamic reordering of alternatives with variant calls. From theCambridge English Corpus
The start-up code calls the first function and then enters an infinite loop. From theCambridge English Corpus
If the second field is an index, then the relation is called an index map. From theCambridge English Corpus
Examination of these themes calls for considerable basic information about inter-war suburbs and how they were created. From theCambridge English Corpus
It may be called the structural orientation of the proof-structure. From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Collocationswith call call These are words often used in combination withcall .
Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.
bugle call
I felt that our country was awaiting abugle call to saving the nation action.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under theOpen Parliament Licence v3.0
call forwarding
Call forwarding is disabled by dialing 73.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
high-pitched call
They emit a distinctive, high-pitched call somewhat like a squeak or the chirp of a bird, possibly expressing a territorial message.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.