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单词 commit


to do somethingillegalor something that isconsideredwrong
He wassenttoprisonfor acrimethat he didn't commit.他蒙冤入狱。
to commitadultery/murder犯通奸罪/杀人罪
to commit anoffence犯法
More examples
  • Soldiers whoobeyordersto commitatrocitiesshould beanswerablefortheircrimes.
  • They wereimprisonedforincitementto commitgrievousbodilyharm.
  • Freshevidencehasrecentlycome tolightwhichsuggeststhat he didn't infactcommit themurder.
  • Shetriedto commitsuicidebyslashingherwrists.
  • Manypeopleinpubliclifehave committedadultery.


topromiseor giveyourloyalty,time, ormoneyto aparticularprinciple,person, orplanofaction
Like so many men, he hasproblemscommitting himselftoarelationship.像许多男人一样,他也存在用情不专的问题。
Thegovernmentmust commit itselftoimprovinghealthcare.政府必须致力于改善医疗保健服务水平。
Once we have committedtothiscourseofactionthere is no going back.一旦我们承诺采取这一行动,就没有回头路。
toexpressanopinionor to make adecisionthat youtellpeopleabout
IthinkI can come but I won't commit myself till Iknowforsure.我想我能来,但在确定之前我不能保证。
commitsthto memory
to makecertainthat youremembersomething
commitsthto paper
to write something down
Perhaps we should commit theseideastopaperbefore weforgetthem.也许我们应该把这些想法写在纸上,免得忘记。
More examples
  • Can you commit to afirmdatefor thebuildingwork?
  • We have committed ourselves tostampingoutracisminourorganization.
  • Shefindsit hard to commit to just one man.
  • I'd like to come toyourparty, but I can't commit myself until Iknowmyworkshifts.


He's been committedtoprisonforfraud.他因诈骗而锒铛入狱。


commit suicide


If one is committed to a religious outlook, the first option is ruled out.
From theCambridge English Corpus
When an initial analysis is highly plausible, readerscommitstrongly to it and reanalysis is made more difficult.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If we are committed to realizing designs as physical artifacts, then ultimately we are committed to their intentionality.
From theCambridge English Corpus
It seemed possible that restricting the study to children who never committed case errors led to an unrepresentative sample of children.
From theCambridge English Corpus
To concede that statements are sometimes true, in this sense, therefore, does notcommitone to an ontological theory about the entities that they describe.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Scientists of the late eighteenth century were committed to raising the level of these studies through experimentation and, above all, measurement.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Or perhaps committing a few contrapuntal errors was but a small price to pay for enabling some fine singers to perform these roles.
From theCambridge English Corpus
But his hopes of committing the distinguished actor to a prolonged stay at what, after all, was a small provincial theatre were doomed to failure.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Furthermore, to qualify for international aid, governments of developing countries must oftencommitthemselves to liberalised economies, and remove government intervention in the market.
From theCambridge English Corpus
And, thirdly, the money and materials committed to dreadnoughts reduced the resources available for armies.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The coordination of all threads belonging to the same transaction is then crucial, because they must allcommitor abort in case the transaction fails.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Patients were asked tocommitthemselves to at least 12 sessions because we believed that was the minimum required for a beneficial effect.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These committed essays, of course, bear witness to important issues, even if they do not always illuminate them.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The net result for those scholars not already committed to one or the other view seems to be stalemate.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In the present study we focused on the number of errors committed at 4 and 12 s delays.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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