blank canvas
noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˌblæŋk ˈkæn.vəs/us/ˌblæŋk ˈkæn.vəs/acanvas(= apieceofstrong,roughclothused byartists)or othersurfacethat has nothingpaintedon it:
空白的画布Hedevisedspecialcostumes, which thedancerssoakinpaintoffstage, and as theydance, thepaintis "transferred" to ablankcanvassecuredto thestagefloor.他设计了特殊的服装,上台前浸泡在颜料中,而当舞者起舞时,颜料会被“转移”到固定在舞台地板上的空白画布上。

ozgurdonmaz/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
asituationin which nothing hasyetbeenplannedordecided, so that someone isfreetodecidewhat shouldhappenor be done:
(尚未有任何计划或决定,不受限制可自由行事的)任意驰骋的机会,为所欲为的情况Interiordesignersrarelyworkwith ablankcanvasand thelicenceto doabsolutelyanything theywant.室内设计师极少有机会任意驰骋,也很难得到许可为所欲为。
apersonwhosecharacteris notfixed, and who candevelopin differentways:
一张白纸般的某人A 60-year-old can nolongerberegardedas ablankcanvas,however. Lifeeventsleavetheirmark.然而,60岁的人不再是一张白纸。生活中的点滴都会留下印记。
- Ablankcanvasnearly6feettalland 7feetwidestandsin thestudiohe has made in his mother'slivingroom.
- Awhitewallis TulsaartistWilliam Franklin'sblankcanvas.
- You have achance, you have ablankcanvashere. You get toreinvent, you get to do anything youwantwith this.
- The city'sfutureis ablankcanvas.
- He has hadbroadappealbecause he isseenas ablankcanvason whichpeoplecanprojecttheirideals.
Painting & drawing materials
- airbrush
- brush
- canvas
- drawing board
- easel
- face paint
- glitter
- manikin
- mannikin
- oil
- paintbrush
- palette
- palette knife
- pencil
- poster colour
- poster paint
- stencil
- template
- watercolour
- woodblock
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