释义 |
fish for 1.try to get or to find out sth.by hinting or in a roundabout way寻找;刺探;转弯抹角地得到 *Despite his pleasant manners, I suspected he was fishing for in formation about the decision made at the Board meeting.尽管他态度愉快,我怀疑他在探听董事会上所做的决定。 *Don't be taken in by his charm;he's fishing for an invitation to the big party.不要被他的花言巧语所骗,他无非是想捞取盛大宴会的请贴。 *He is always fishing for compliments.他总是想让别人恭维他。 2.search for;search for underwater搜寻 *He is fishing for pearls.他正在采集珍珠。 |