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单词 flare up
释义 flare up
1. suddenly begin to burn more brightly or fiercely突然烧起来
*The fire flared up again and then died.火又突然燃烧起来,而后又熄灭了。
*When they put a burning match to the oil,it flared up.他们把点燃的火柴放在油里,油一下就烧了起来。
*The bonfire flared up as I poured petrol on to it.我倒上汽油,那篝火便熊熊燃烧起来。
*The enemy bomber flared up when it was hit by antiaircraft artillery.敌人那架轰炸机被高射炮击中,顿时燃烧了起来。
2.burst into a sudden rage突然发怒
*His temper flared up when he heard how much money had been spent.当他听到花钱的数目时,他突然发脾气。
*The mayor flared up at the reporter's remark.市长对记者的报道勃然大怒。
*The minute he mentioned her name,she flared up again.他一提到她的名字,她又突然发怒了。
*There's no need for you to flare up at such a slight thing.为了这点小事你大可不必发怒。
*I meant no harm by my remark,but she flared up at me as though I had insulted her.我的话并没有恶意,可是她却对我大发其火,仿佛我侮辱了她似的。
3. begin again suddenly, esp.for a short time after a quiet time;reach a more violent state突然发作;突然复发;突然加剧
*His arthritis flared up sometimes.他的关节炎有时会突然发作。
*Late at night,my stomach trouble flared up again.深夜,我的胃病又突然复发了。
*Feeling had risen so high that it seemed that a quarrel might flare up at any minute.情绪已经非常激动,看来随时都有可能爆发一场争吵。




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